Painful Mistakes

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That day started just like any other, everyone lounging around just relaxing. Petra had gone out to do whatever she does in her spare time, which was not unusual for her.

"What does your friend Petra do while she's out?" Ellegaard asked, she had never seen the girl in the mornings and sometimes not even until night.
"Uh, she goes around town making deals with people." Jesse said not looking up from his book.
"Deals?" She questioned still a little confused.
"Petra goes around places getting people the things that they can't get themselves for a price." Ivor said rolling his eyes.
"Oh,..wait how do you know that?" Magnus asked. Everyone looked at Ivor with confusion clear on there faces.
'Oh crap.' Ivor thought, he couldn't tell them about the deal he made with her for the skull. He looked over at Jesse who gave him a sharp, almost unnoticeable shake of the head.
'Okay, think of a lie.' He thought quickly.
"Well the word deal infers a trade, so I assume that's what he meant." Ivor said not missing a beat.
"Oh, that does make sense." Gabriel said satisfied.
Everyone went back to doing whatever they were doing at that. Ivor looked at Jesse, who looked at him a nod towards the door.
'I guess he wants to talk.' He thought, getting up and walking out with him. It got a few stares but no one said anything about it. They walked into the forest a little ways back before stopping.
"Okay, Ivor you can't tell anyone about the deal, I don't want them to blame Petra for what happened." Jesse said calmly yet sternly.
"I already know to keep it to myself." Ivor said simply.
"Good, glad we had this talk." Jesse said walking to a fallen tree and sat down. Ivor walked over and sat down as well.
The silence was relaxing, the only other noise being a small stream nearby. They sat for a very long time before the sounds of people screaming for them filled the air.
"JESSE! IVOR! HELP!" They heard.
They ran all the way back to the temple as fast as they could. Arriving to the sight of Olivia shaking with wide eyes.
"Jesse! It's Petra, she's hurt, bad!" She rushed to explain.
With that Jesse ran into the temple to see Petra unconscious, bleeding out for almost everywhere on her body. He ran over pushing everyone aside, picking her up, and quickly lying her down on the table. He didn't bother to ask what happened, knowing full well that it had something to do with a deal gone wrong. He worked on trying to stop the bleeding while everyone looked on in horror.
"Axel come here!" Jesse ordered, "hold down this rag while I get my supplies!"
Axel came over doing what he was told while Jesse ran all over grabbing healing potions and a medical kit. He ran back over and threw one of the potions near Petra, only strong enough to stop the bleeding. He moved Axel away and began sowing up the cuts, and a stab wound that went through her stomach and out her back. When he was done with the stitches he began to bandage her wounds, including the one on the back of her head. It looked like she was hit with a brick, a small cut but not deep enough that it needed stitched up. He finished up by throwing down a regeneration potion to help her get her strength back.
"Okay..okay, she'll be fine." Jesse said, out of breathe. Picking Petra up off the table gently and lying her down on the couch.
"What happened?" Ellegaard asked concern tracing every feature of her face. Everyone looked worried about the injured girl.
"Probably one of her deals went wrong." Jesse stating with a frown. He wanted to know who did it though.
"Wait, her deals are that dangerous?!" Ellegaard asked, reasonably upset with what happened.
"Sometimes people can't pay what they have to, so they try to steal it from her. She usually wins though, unless she was jumped." Olivia explained still shaking.
"Why does she do it if she knows this could happen?" Gabriel asked reluctantly.
"She needs the money..." Jesse said with a sigh. Everyone was silent for a very long time, thinking about the new information. That was, until Petra woke up groaning.
"Petra!" Olivia said worried.
"Uughhh...what's going on?" Petra moaned, clearly in a lot if pain.
"You almost died." Magnus said nonchalantly, earning him the most unimpressed looks from everyone.
"Oh," Petra said with a smile,"now I remember."
"Petra, tell me what happened, now." Jesse said sternly.
"No." Petra said expressionless.
"Petra!" Jesse shouted angrily. "You almost died! Tell me what's going on right now!"
Everyone looked at Jesse in surprise.
"No Jesse. I'm not going to tell you, because you'd get yourself involved." Petra coughed out, groaning in pain. She started moving to sit up, but Jesse tried to stop her.
"Hey don't move you'll hurt yourself even more!" Gabriel said concerned.
"I'm fine Gabe." She said getting up with a grunt.
"No your not, your injured!" Gabriel said, ignoring the nickname.
"Too bad." She said, still not caring. "I need to go get what I'm owed."
"No!" Olivia shouted sadly.
Petra looked at Olivia with a sad face and sat back down.
"I have too many deals to do today to sit and do nothing." Petra said with a sigh.
"...I'll do them for you, just write me a list." Axel volunteered.
"Really?" Petra asked looking up at him.
"Yep, I just need a list so I know what to do." He said back.
"...fine." She agreed after some thinking.
Petra wrote the list, and Axel headed out with all of the trade items. Jesse forced Petra to stay still and just read a book (she refused to sleep) until she healed up more.

*Later that day*

"Stop telling me what to do Jesse!" Petra said angrily. Her and Jesse had gotten into a fight about what she was and wasn't aloud to do while she was hurt, to say the least she didn't agree. Everyone watched in amusement as the fight went on.
"No!" She cut him off. "I'm an adult and I can do whatever the hell I want!"
"Fine." Jesse said flatly, turning and leaving the temple.
"Finally!" Petra sighed in relief.
"You know, he was only trying to keep you from getting hurt." Ivor said almost too quiet to hear.
"I don't need to listen to him." Petra said glaring at Ivor.
"And I don't need lectures from you, mister 'I'm gonna create a wither because my friends lied.' Okay." She finished.
Everyone turned to Ivor smiling, trying to see if he had a comeback for that.
"A wither I couldn't have created without you getting me the skull!" Ivor snapped, immediately regretting it. Everyone turned to Petra with wide eyes and opened mouths.
"How was I supposed to know what you were going to do with it!" Petra shouted, starting to feel guilty.
"...I didn't mean to say that out loud..." Ivor admitted looking ashamed.
" got him the skull?" Magnus said starting to get angry. Petra glared at him, the stare was so cold everybody froze on the spot.
"Yes. Yes I did. And I don't care." She said coldly, daring them to challenge her. Of course, no one did so she gave Ivor one last glare before walking away. Everyone turned to Ivor glaring daggers at him. Ivor shrunk back in his seat, looking down at the floor, he knew he was in for it.
Ivor had to knew he had to get out of there somehow.

"I, um, have to go bye." He said quickly, jumping up about to run, but only get in one step forward before being grabbed by his belt and yanked back down by Gabriel. Magnus then sat down on the other side of him.
'No escape from this.' Ivor thought shaking slightly.
Magnus put his arm around Ivor, making sure he couldn't get away if he tried.
"So you made a deal with Petra, huh?" Magnus asked calmly, which scared Ivor more than anything. Ivor audibly gulped, shrinking back trying to disappear.
"Oh, I'm sorry, you getting scared?" He smiled leisurely.
"Say, you never got in trouble for the whole whither storm thing, did you?" Magnus asked pretending to be surprised.
"No, I don't think he did!" Gabriel said also feigning surprise.
Ivor was full on shaking now. He was legitimately scared of them.
"Doesn't this place have a basement?" Magnus asked thinking.
"Why yes, yes it does." Gabriel said happily. "Lets go down there Ivor."
All Ivor could do was sit, visibly shaking. With that said Magnus and Gabriel got up, pulling Ivor with them to the basement. When they finally got down stairs, Ivor was wracking with shakes.
"Wow Ivor, scared much?" Magnus said laughing.
"What should we do to him?" Gabriel asked smiling.
"I have a hilarious idea." Magnus said laughing. He pulled Gabriel over and whispered something in his ear that Ivor couldn't make out. Then Gabriel started laughing hard.
'This can't be good.' Ivor thought, slowly backing away from them.
"Ivor, come here!" Magnus said laughing. When Ivor failed to obey, Magnus walked over and grabbed him by his hair.
"This is going to be entertaining." Gabriel said smiling.

(AUTHORS NOTE: Sorry it's kind of short, but I had some difficulties writing this chapter, I keep thinking about what I want the next one to have in it so my thoughts kept getting mixed. I'll leave you to guess what happened to Ivor. )

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