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The next few days were very quite. Olivia kept to herself and started wearing long-sleeve shirt with jeans. Axel kept looking through the book of revival, still set on bringing Jesse back. Soren Sat quietly, he wrote a lot of stuff into a book. Ivor couldn't forgive himself for letting Jesse die, he thought it was all his fault that the potion wasn't ready on time. Gabriel had been working himself harder each day. Ellegaard worked on her machines, trying to distract her feelings. Magnus sat in the corner of the room, thinking of how if he had gone faster Jesse could have lived. Rick had cried himself to sleep everyday, he had remembered all the lost time he had with Jesse. Petra went out to beat up monsters. Aiden had gone to prison.

Olivia was walking around quietly, then she looked out the window and left. Nobody bothered to notice until she ran back inside, to her room, and slammed the door.
They could hear her crying. Axel got up and walked over to her door, knocking.
"Olivia, are you okay?" He said softly.
"Go away." Olivia sobbed.
"Okay." He said quietly, he knew she was just hurting.
Everyone went about their business, trying and failing to forget what happened.


When Olivia had finally come back down stairs, she was very pale and very wobbly. Everyone noticed, but it was brushed off. 'She's just tired' they thought. Axel was giving her a suspicious look that nobody could really read, but he said nothing.

"Ivor, come here." Axel said looking at a potion book. Ivor got up without a word and walked over dragging his feet, which everyone noticed.
"Can you make this?" Axel asked pointing to something in the book. Ivor looked closely and his eyes got wide as he gave a nod.
"I'll need the ingredients though." Ivor said, going through the house to find them. Everyone was curious now, very discreetly listening.
Ivor had gotten all the ingredients and was brewing the potion. Axel was still looking over at Olivia occasionally. She wouldn't meet his eyes, or anyone's to be specific. She stared blankly at the floor, she was void of emotion. Everyone was staring at her slightly, she seemed...off.
Suddenly Olivia walked outside. No one knew why though.

When she came back in, she was very snappy, she was slamming things and, in general, she was enraged. Axel finally got up and went over to her.
"Olivia, what's wrong?" Axel asked suspiciously. "You haven't been acting normal, this isn't how people respond to this sort of thing. Don't lie to me."
"Leave me alone!" Olivia snapped, you could see the tears in her eyes. "I don't have to tell you anything!"
"No! Leave me alone!" Olivia cut him off.
Olivia was trying to step back, but she slipped. Axel grabbed her arms, which made her sleeves go up slightly. Axel stared at her wrists in horror. They were covered with scabed cuts. Olivia tried to pull away fast, but Axel refused to let go. Olivia was crying, everyone was staring with wide eyes.
"Olivia...Why?" Axel said shaking, trying to keep himself from crying.
"...I...I..." She started, but quickly broke down into sobs.
Axel picked her up in his arms and sat down on the couch, setting her on his lap. He sat there, with his arms around her, while she continued to cry into his shirt. Everyone stared at Olivia in shock, she was cutting herself.

Olivia fell asleep on Axels chest, so he decided to put her in bed. When he came back out of her room everyone was standing at attention, obviously wanting answers. Axel looked away from them and walked over to the bookshelf, trying to put it off.

"Axel, now." Petra growled.
Axel let out a defeated sigh and turned around.
"What?" He asked.
"What do you mean what! Is Olivia okay in her head, or is she completely suicidal?!" Magnus yelled.
"Okay, okay calm down. Olivia has always been suicidal, she just hasn't been for a while." Axel said calmly as possible.
"She..has always done this..." Ellegaard said realization setting in.
"She has always been bullied, and teased, and it made her feel worthless. I thought she was over it but I guess Jesse...dying... triggered it..." Axel finished, looking away.

"I finished the potion!" Ivor suddenly shouted.
Everyone turned to him, Axel walking over to see.
"All we have to do is pour it over Jesse's body and it will revive him!" Ivor smiled, happy that he could fix things.
"Wait what?" Everyone else asked confused.
"I had Ivor make a potion of revival, I don't care if you don't agree I'm doing it anyways." Axel stated.
Nobody objected so they all gathered around Jesse's grave in the basement, they still hadn't made his death public, Gabriel broke the concrete revealing Jesse's motionless body.

Ivor looked around at everyone, and then to Jesse's body. He looked scared. He poured the potion over his body...and nothing happened. Everyone was sad again, all hope gone, until Jesse bolted up taking a giant gulp of air.
"Jesse!" Everyone shouted overwhelmed with joy. Jesse looked around fear and confusion written all over his face.
"W-what?" Jesse stuttered.
"You're alive!" Axel shouted, picking Jesse up in a bear hug.
"A-axel... can't...breathe..." Jesse sputtered out.
"Oh ha sorry." Axel said dropping him.
Jesse was engulfed with hugs from everyone, except Olivia who wasnt anywhere in sight.

"Where's Olivia, and dad?" Jesse asked.
On at that moment a piercing scream rang throughout the house. Everyone ran upstairs to the sight of Olivia hanging from a hole in the ceiling, and Rick standing under her.
"It's okay I'll catch you! Just drop down!" Rick assured her.
Just like that, Olivia's grip faltered and she fell right into Rick's arms.
"What happened? Wait never mind, look Jesse's alive!" Axel said excitedly.

Olivia and Rick tackled Jesse in hugs while they cried. Jesse had started to cry too. After awhile they calmed down, except for Olivia who was holding onto Jesse like her life depended on it.

Axel told Jesse about the cutting situation, which made Jesse brake down while holding onto Olivia. Olivia fell asleep with her head on jesses lap. Everyone had decided to get some rest and figure it out tomorrow.

(Authors note: I'm sorry that I killed Jesse in the other chapter!*dodges rocks* It was important to character development

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