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Everyone stared at Soren in shock. They didn't know he could be so commanding. Ivor looked impressed in Sorens change. None of them said a word, not even Magnus who was shocked too. Sorens glare was strong and filled with power. Rick Sat there with a smile, his treatment had worked. Soren was finally back to his old self, he was a born-to-be leader.

"Soren, I think the treatment worked." Rick said smiling.
Soren got surprised look on his face, and then he hugged Magnus closer and laughed.
"I missed you too Magnus!" Soren laughed happily.
Magnus hugged back smiling, he really missed his friend. Soren was the one who took him in after he was abandoned by his parents. Eventually everyone calmed down and Soren began talking about everything that happened at the ward.
"The first day I was there was terrifying. I woke up in a white room, and then Rick came in and told me a bunch of stuff. After Rick left a lovely woman came in and we talked for a long time..." *an hour later*
"So me and Chastity are dating now, her son is absolutely adorable!" Soren finished, everyone was staring with gaping mouths.
"You have a girlfriend...after two freaking weeks?! And she has a kid?!" Magnus said smiling, he identifying Soren could do that in all honesty.
"Yes, she is the most beautiful, sweet, and charitable person I have ever met." Soren said dreamily. He looked like he was swaying slightly.
"Wow, you really like her, huh." Ivor said with a raised brow.
"Oh yes, she is amazing." Soren said still dazed. Then Soren realized what he was planing to do with Chastity, all the guilt came pouring onto him so suddenly that it showed all over his face.
"Whats wrong?" Jesse asked concerned.
"Umm, well, I...I wanted to...go live with her..." Soren said feeling guilty for wanting to leave.
"Why can't she just move into this town? I mean that way we could still see you." Ellegaard said shrugging. She didn't really want Soren to leave right after he got better.
"I'll ask her!" Soren said smiling brightly. It was an amazing idea, he would get to see his friends and be with his love.
"But dude, she has a kid." Axel said, he thought Soren was too old.
"And?" Soren said confused.
"Well, you're, like, a hundred." Axel finished, getting laughs from all around while Soren blushed bright red.
"I'm only thirty two Axel!" Soren yelled blushing.
"Oh...Wow..." Axel said genuinely surprised.
"Shut up boy!" Soren said in an authoritative tone. Axel shut his mouth with an audible snap. Everyone was still surprised with how controlling he was.

"I want all of you to meet her anyways, and her son." He said, going back to his nice tone.
"Soren, you really are back to normal." Gabriel said with a smile. Soren smiled half-heartedly, he was still upset that they forced him to leave, but he was happy he got help and met Chastity.
"Yes, I suppose I am."
"Soren, how did them washing you go?" Olivia said with an evil smile. How did she know, he didn't tell them about that.
"H-how did you know that?!" Soren stuttered, taken aback.
"I used to work for Mr.Wilson, I know what happens to the patients." Olivia said with a malevolent grin.
Soren froze, checks turning the color of redstone. Everyone had wide eyes looking at him, except for Rick, Jesse, and Olivia.
"You were washed by people?" Ivor said, bursting into fits of laughter with Gabriel following suit. Soren said nothing, at first he was sad and was going to cry, but then he got angry. Very very angry. Soren stood up swiftly, and strode over to the men. He lifted his hand and struck Ivor right across the face, twice. Then he did the same to the stunned Gabriel.
"It was their job, and they didn't want me to drown myself in the water. It's not funny, it's a matter of caring for others." Soren said calmly yet sternly.

Rick was amazed with the amount of bravery Soren had found to stick up for himself like that. He was a true leader, even if he was violent in his ways. Ivor was very still, and then he looked a bit scared. Ivor and Gabriel noticeably shrunk back. You could barely hear it but Ivor gave a small 'sorry'.

Satisfied, Soren went and sat down on the couch with Magnus. Everyone was quiet for an awkward period of time. Jesse saw this and got up to put in music. The song 'Come on Eileen' played on the jukebox.
"I love this song!" Soren said happily. All the old order members nodded in agreement. "It brings back memories..."


'A group of eight year olds sit quietly working on projects.
"Soren, listen to this song!" Little Ellegaard said smiling.
"What is it?" Soren said, catching everyone's interest.
Ellegaard put the record in and it began to play 'Come on Eileen' on blast.
"This is cool!" Gabriel said smiling brightly.
They all started dancing around to the song. Soren was spinning Ellie in circles, while Magnus, who was sitting on a bookshelf, tapped both of his feet against it to the tune. Gabriel was laughing while clapping to Soren's dance.

Ivor sat in the corner shyly. He didn't know how to dance, nor did he want to. Soren saw him and gave everyone a mischievous grin, he ran over to Ivor and pulled him up and began spinning him with the dance. Ivor was trying to escape while Soren continued to dance with him, eventually he gave up and let Soren have his fun. By the time they finished everyone was laughing, out of breathe on the floor.

"I love you guys." Soren said smiling.'


After Soren finished the story everyone was laughing at Ivor. The old order, because they had remembered how he looked the entire time, and the new order because they imagined what it looked like.
"Ivor, were you the girl in the dance?" Olivia asked laughing.
Ivor's face turned a dark red as he looked to the floor. He got up to run away, but yet again was stopped by his belt being grabbed. Instead of the belt pulling him back however, he was lifted into the air, dangling.

"PUT ME DOWN!" Ivor yelled, blushing like crazy. Everyone was dying laughing. Ivor was hanging from the belt of his robe, it didn't hurt it was just unexpected.

"Let him go." Rick said calmly.
"What? I don't have to listen to you!" Magnus said still laughing.
Rick stood up swiftly and snatched Ivor out of Magnus's grip. Ivor was thrown a little ways forward, but landed perfectly. Magnus was taken by surprise and, unbalanced, fell off the couch. Ivor left the building obviously embarrassed, while Magnus kept laughing.
"Magnus, shut it." Soren suddenly said. Magnus was about to argue when he heard the muffled screams.
"What the..." Jesse said warily.

They all ran outside just in time to see Ivor tied up and being thrown to the floor. They ran towards them, but the people saw and picked Ivor up. They threw him over a horse on his stomach, and sped away. The only thing they saw to identify them, was the symbol of an ocelot on the jackets they wore.

"Quickly, we have to go after them!" Soren ordered.
Everyone obeyed, running to get their horses, chasing after them.
"What are they going to do to him?!" Soren shouted to Jesse.
"They're bad, we don't want to let them have Ivor long enough to find out!" Jesse said angrily.
"Hurry they're getting away!" Petra yelled.
"Stupid horses! Go faster!" Ellegaard said angrily.
"Don't blame the horse." Rick said, with that he started leaning forward, making the horse speed up. He was quickly gaining on the ocelots. Everyone copied him and soon they were very close to catching the people.

Rick was right next to the one who had Ivor, and jumped off his horse right onto him. He knocked the horse over along with the occupants. He tackled the 'Ocelot', Aiden, to the ground and began to pin him. Ivor was wiggling and squirming trying to free himself. Gabriel took his sword to Ivor's bonds, freeing him. Ivor nodded a small thanks.

They took Aiden back to the temple for questioning. Which, of course, he wouldn't speak a single word unless it was an insult. Ivor, who was still angry, punched the kid in the face. They ended up having to lock him up in the basement cage.

Pain is only Natural (a minecraft story mode fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora