Get Along

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That morning Magnus sat on the couch doing absolutely nothing. Bored out of his mind, sitting, doing nothing. Such fun. Ivor walked upstairs next to Soren and Magnus remembered what he saw.
"Have a nice nap Ivor?" He asked smiling. At that moment he remembered Soren's threat.
"Magnus what did I say!?" Soren growled, walking up to him.
Soren cut him off when he grabbed his ear, dragging him outside where everyone else was. Soren didn't stop in front of them, but the scene caught their attention. They followed soren and the flailing Magnus to the garage. They watched Soren pull his fist back and launch it into magnus' stomach. Magnus coughed up spit and gasped for air. Everyone stared in shock. Soren didn't stop, he kicked Magnus in the face while he was bent over. Magnus fell on his back holding his face in pain. Soren jumped on top of Magnus and began punching him over and over again. Ivor walked over and put a hand on Sorens shoulder in a calming manner. Soren pushed his hand off and continued the assault, Magnus was crying and trying to block the blows.

Jesse ran over and tackled soren to the ground, shocking everyone again. Soren threw a punch and landed it right in Jesses eye, Jesse fell back. Soren pulled Jesse up by his collar and punched him again. Jesse covered his face and started shaking. Petra and Axel ran over, petra pried Jesse away and Axel picked Soren up and pinned him under his weight.

"Axel get off of me!" Soren yelled angrily.
"Jesse are you okay?" Olivia asked, worry clear in her voice.
"Don't worry, I'm fine." Jesse said, walking over to Magnus, who was unconscious.
"Magnus wake up!" Jesse said, shaking him slightly.
Magnus opened his eyes groggily.
"Oww." He groaned while Jesse helped him up.
"Magnus are you alright?" Ivor asked, he didn't care if Magnus was being a jerk, the guy was covered in blood and looked about ready to pass out.
"...sorry." Magnus said weakly, walking back to the house.
"Let me up now!" Soren yelled.
"If you don't shut up right now, I'll show you why you shouldn't hit my friends." Axel said, his voice was icy and sharp.

Soren began to still and calm down. Axel kept him down for an hour though, Soren made small pouting noises the entire time. When Axel finally let him up, Soren walked to his room. Magnus stayed in his room for the rest of the day.

"You need to apologize to Jesse. Right now." Petra growled at Soren.
"Ha, not happening. He shouldn't have gotten in the way." Soren said glaring back.
"If you don't apologize right now I'm taking you back to the ward." Axel said nonchalantly.
"You can't take me back there! I'm already fixed, they would only say I could leave." Soren said crossing his arms.
"Abusive behavior, anger issues, violent behavior." Axel listed them off easily.
Soren stood stunned.
"B-but i-"
"Need to apologize right now, to Magnus too." Axel cut him off.
Soren stared at him with wide eyes, then he looked to the floor and trudged over to Jesse.
"I'm sorry you're an idiot." Soren murmured.
Axel sent a frozen glare his way, Soren slumped.
"I'm sorry..." Soren said before looking to Axel for approval.
"I guess that will do, now go apologize to Magnus." Axel ordered.
"No, he deserved it." Soren said looking away with his arms crossed.
"I'll get Jesses dad." Axel said walking out the door.
"Wait! Are you serious?" Soren exclaimed, flabbergasted.
"Very, be back soon." Axel says, actually leaving.
"What...but I...but he...what?" Soren said, very confused and shocked.
"You should've apologized." Olivia said, still angry.
"THAT'S NOT FAIR!" Soren shouted, throwing a temper tantrum.
"Life's not fair. Deal with it." Petra said dryly.

Soren stood with his mouth wide open, not believing that it had happened. He slowly regained his composure and went to his room. He sat on his bed and decided to sleep. Back in the living room, Jesse was nursing his bruised face. Soren could really throw a punch. Jesse had a black eye and a bruised cheek. Olivia was putting ice on it lightly. Axel would be back tomorrow with Rick because Soren went crazy, again. Everyone else was lounging around, relaxing.

"So...that was awkward." Ellie said.
"Yep. About a ten on the awkward scale." Gabe said with a chuckle.
"You guys are strangely calm about what just happened?" Jesse said in a questioning tone.
" isn't the first time Soren had gone off him like that. We usually let him finish though, nobody ever gets in the way like you did." Gabe said, leaning towards him in interest.
"Well it wasn't right! How could I not step in? I don't care what Magnus did, he didn't deserve that." Jesse said, crossing his arms.
"Woah, alright. Don't get so serious." Ellie said, raising her hands in mock surrender.
"Why wouldn't you guys help him?" Olivia asked, raising an eyebrow.
They didn't get the chance to answer before Ivors screams were heard. They all ran down the hall to Ivors room and were shocked at the sight. A man with white eyes was staring at them, Ivor was hiding in the corner.
"Who are you?" Jesse asked angrily, something about him made Jesse uneasy.
The man smiled a kind smile at Jesse.
"My name is legendary, if that helps." The man laughed.
Just then, Ivor ran past the man and far away. The man's smile turned into rage as he let out a deep scream of anger.
"No!" Ivor said still running.
"Fine I'll just have to take one of your friends with me until you decide to be obedient." The man said looking at Jesse. "You, you will do perfectly."
Jesse went to back up, fear in his features, but the man grabbed his hair and disappeared into thin air. Leaving everyone in shock and terror. He was the legendary: Herobrine.

(Sorry, major writers block. I got the idea for the last part from Brenjago.)

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