Soren the Broken

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The ride back to Ricks town was very quiet, mainly because Soren stayed quiet the entire ride there.
He was shaking with sad eyes, an air of fear engulfed him.
"Soren, there's no reason for you to be afraid." Rick said reassuringly. Soren curled up and began to cry.
"W-why d-did they m-make me l-leave!" Soren cried out, the poor man was heartbroken.
"Oh Soren, it's okay. They didn't want you to leave, they just knew you needed help." Rick explained, trying to comfort the sobbing man.
Soren cried the for an hour before passing out from exhaustion. Rick knew that Soren needed intense therapy and care, especially after seeing how bad he reacted when he thought he was being rejected. It would take time, but Rick knew that Soren could be healed.

Soren was still asleep by the time they arrived at the town, so Rick carried him into the Mental Care Facility.
The sight of Soren brought a lot of attention.
"Okay, Soren has been in the End for ten years, he has become distant towards people and is more affectionate towards endermen now. I have to fix him  okay? I don't want any interruptions, alright?" He explained to his co-workers. Everyone got the idea and prepared for Sorens stay.

Soren woke up in an iron room. The door was locked, and the only window had iron bars on it. The room was equipped with a bed, a toilet, and a book shelf. Soren was absolutely terrified. He wanted to know where he was, he wanted his friends.

"Soren, calm down." Rick said coming through the iron door.
"W-where am i?" Soren asked tearing up.
"You are in my ward Soren. You are getting the help you need to be better." Rick explained slowly and calmly.
"I want my friends!" Soren shouted, beginning to cry.
Rick walked over to Soren, wrapped an arm around him, and pulled him into a hug. Soren cried until he was out of energy, and went limp. Rick laid him back down and began to explain what was to happen to him that day.
"You will be given lunch, and them some men will come in here and help you with bathing and changing clothes." Rick explained.
"W-what?! I don't need help with those things!! I can do those on my own!" Soren cried, face turning red.
"Soren, we can't trust you enough right now to let you care for yourself. We don't want you to hurt yourself." Rick explained, he understood where Soren was coming from, he wouldn't want to be stripped down and washed either.
"I don't want to!" Soren cried.

All Rick could do was comfort him. He could not stop the inevitable. Soren would have to obey the people coming to help him. Soon enough Rick had to leave to go work on other patients, but he kept a clipboard in Soren's room for the nurses to write on.

A beautiful young women entered Soren's room, delivering his lunch. Soren was forced to eat all of the food he was given even though he wasn't very hungry due to crying.

A few hours later five men came inside Soren's room to undress him and get him into the showers. Soren disagreed. He cried, and flailed, and huddled up in the corner. He did not want to be undressed and washed by anyone. He was forced up and into the showers. Soren huddled up on the shower floor crying, while the men scrubbed him. Soren was humiliated.

Eventually the shower ended, and he was dried off and clothed in all white. Soren was still crying his eyes out by the time it was over. He watched all the men go over to the clipboard and each person wrote on it. Four of the men left while one came over and hugged him, saying some comforting words that calmed him down.
"...I'm sorry..." Soren said looking down, looking back on his behavior. The man gave Soren a smile and told him it was okay.

Eventually Soren got curious of the clipboard, and walked over to see what it read.

Day 1.
'The poor man was humiliated with the showering. He was shaking the entire time.'
'Soren was responding irrationally to being washed, and flailed about trying escape.'
'When he was crying he kept calling for Magnus.'
'He needs to be under constant watch.'
'The man was just embarrassed about being washed, who wouldn't be?'

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