The Broken Hearts

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"MAGNUS LET GO ME GO! STOP MAGNUS!" Ivor's screams could be heard from the basement. Every one slowly exchanged glances wondering what was going on down there, and then the sounds of screams and Gabriel's hysterical laughter could be heard echoing up the stairs.
"Oh my Notch, are they..." Olivia stopped, unable to finish due to shock. Ellegaard shrugged her shoulders.
"I'm going down there." Olivia said, walking towards the noise. "You two stay here." She said to Soren and Ellegaard.
She went down the stairs, hearing more of what was being said.
"What did you do wrong Ivor?" Magnus asked through his laughter.
"Screw you, get off me!" Ivor said, obviously in angry
"But you're the one on me!"Magnus barked out through his fit of laughter, making Gabriel breakdown into laughter as well. Olivia walked in and saw what was happening, Magnus had Ivor in a choke hold and was teasing him with a lecture you would give a child. Either way it still pissed Olivia off.

"Let him go right now!" Olivia yelled. Gabriel and Magnus jumped, scared, which release Ivor from his grip allowing him to escape. He ran and hid behind Olivia, looking down at the ground to hide his embarrassment.
"Woah, what's wrong with you?" Magnus asked surprised.
"Stop bullying him!" She said with an icy glare.

Olivia grabbed Ivor's hand and took him upstairs. They walked in and were met with the faces of Jesse, Axel, Ellegaard, and Soren.
"Um...Jesse and Axel are back...we, um, heard you yell..." Soren said softly, being very careful in his words.
"What happened?" Jesse asked concerned, looking from Olivia to the still slightly shaking Ivor.
"Magnus and Gabriel were hurting Ivor so I stopped them." Olivia said simply.
"What did they do?" Jesse said getting very serious.
Ivor shrunk back, face getting very red.
"Nothing important." She said nonchalantly.
"Oh, okay then." Jesse said as he walked away.
Ivor turned and went straight to his room without looking up. Everyone brushed off what happened, and everything went back to normal.

*Later that day*

"Jesse, truth or dare?" Olivia asked with a smile.
"Dare." Jesse said also with a smile.
"Run through town throwing eggs at everyone." She said with a smirk, not thinking he would do it. Surely enough Jesse git up and walked right out the door, much to everyone's surprise. He arrived back laughing an out of breathe.
"You should've seen the looks I got, it was amazing!" He laughed, panting. "My turn now. Hmmm, Ellegaard truth or dare?" He asked smiling menacingly.
"Um, truth." She said.
"Hmmm, why do you and Magnus hate each other so much?" Jesse asked.
"Do I have to tell you, it's depressing." She said nervously.
"Yes." Jesse said shortly.
"Alright, fine I guess....Me and Magnus used to date, and while we were dating I got pregnant." Ellegaard said looking down sadly. She was receiving a lot of wide eyed stares from Jesse and his friends. "When I was having the baby, the doctor said there was a low chance of survival for me, if I were to continue I could die." She said, "I had the baby anyways and somehow we both survived, but Magnus was angry because I put the baby before myself and he resented it." Ellegaard said shaking slightly.
"That thing almost killed you! How was I not supposed to hate it!?" Magnus shouted angrily. Now they were fighting again.
"Shut up! It's your fault she's gone you idiot!" Ellegaard yelled, tears falling to the floor. "When she was five she heard me and Magnus yelling about the the birth, and she heard Magnus say that she was a monster and he hated her." Ellegaard said crying. "So she ran away, no one even knows what happened to her."
"I'm glad the stupid thing is gone! It was a nuisance, and you almost died because of it." Magnus said shaking with rage.
"Jesse, are you okay?" Soren said looking over at him worried, which of course brought all attention to him which became wide eyed stares.
"Um, yeah why?" Jesse asked confused.
"Jesse, you're crying." Ivor said softly.
Jesse reached up and touched his cheek, bringing it back down and seeing the water covering his hand.
"Oh." He said, then he got up and, without another word, walked out of the temple crying silently.
"What happened? Is he okay?" Gabriel said concerned.
Olivia looked around at all the faces looking to her, sighed, and sat down sadly.
"Haven't you noticed how no story we told you has ever mentioned his mom." She said sadly, looking down.
"When Jesse was born his mother had lost too much blood and only got one look at him before dying. His father was broken, and as Jesse got older he resembled his mother almost identically. His father couldn't even look at him without breaking down crying, so he stopped looking at him altogether. Jesse felt like it was all his fault, he still does. Don't get me wrong, Jesse's father is a great man. He tried to be a good dad was just hard for him." Olivia finished, not looking up.

Everyone was stunned silent. They didn't even think about how the stories never mention a mother.
"I want to meet the man." Soren said breaking the silence.
"Well, I guess you'll get the chance on Monday." Olivia said getting up.
"Wait, why Monday?" Ellegaard asked.
"Jesse's dad visits every third Monday." Petra said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"Why?" Magnus asked.
"Well, he wants to make sure Jesse is okay." Axel explained.
"Oh, that's very sad. Poor boy..." Soren said sadly. An air of melancholy surrounded them. Magnus felt a little guilty for saying what he did.
"He'll be fine guys, it's just that he can't not cry thinking about it." Axel said smiling. "Just pretend it didn't happen, he won't want to be reminded of it."
"Yeah, let's keep playing the game, that should get our minds off of it." Petra said. Everyone agreed and the game started up once again.
"Soren, truth or dare?" Petra asked smiling.
"Uhh....truth..." Soren said hesitantly.
"Why do you like endermen so much?" She asked.
"Because, unlike humans, they are constant. Besides, the hits of an endermen don't hurt as bad as the feeling of betrayal." Soren said nonchalantly, like he didn't even care.
"Alrighty then. Now you ask someone." Petra explained.
"Okay, uh, Magnus truth or dare?" Soren asked.
"Dare." Magnus said without thinking.
"I dare you too skinny dip in the river on the other side of town." Soren said with a teasing yet relaxed smile.
"Fine." Was all Magnus said before walking to the river with everyone. "Do I have to?"
"Oh are you a chicken?" Ellegaard asked smirking.
Magnus blew out a sharp breathe before stopping down to his underwear, reluctant to take them off. Eventually he slipped them off, and covered himself with his hands while everyone giggled. With that Magnus turned and jumped into the river.
"Hurry grab his clothes and run!" Soren yelled smiling.

And they did, and it was hilarious watching Magnus run through town, soaking wet, red faced, and naked trying to retrieve his clothes from Soren, who was running through all the areas with crowds of people who laughed at the sight. Eventually Magnus realized that he could've just ran back to the temple to get dressed, which made him feel stupid for not thinking of it sooner. Everyone met Magnus back at the Temple, who was wearing a plaid green flannel over a white t-shirt and jeans. When everybody finished laughing at him, they continued the game.

"Alright, Ellie, truth or dare?" Magnus asked, still a little pink in them face.
"Truth." She said, not risking a dare from him.
"...are we still friends?" He asked looking at the ground, glancing up once to see her looking at him, and then throwing his eyes back to the floor.
"Yes, yes we're still friends." Ellegaard said smiling. Magnus's face visually brightened when she said that.
"Hehe, alright my turn, Gabe, truth or dare?" Ellegaard asked smirking.
"Hmm, dare." He said after some thought.
"Dare you to break your favorite sword in half." Ellegaard said smiling. Gabriel passed out.
Once they got him awake, Gabriel broke the sword in half crying.
"There. Axel truth or dare?"
"Truth." He said easily.
"Do you love Olivia?" Gabriel asked with a raised eyebrow.
"No." He said flatly. Everyone looked at him like he was lying.
"Guys, Axel is married." Petra said with a laugh.
"WHAT?!" Magnus shouted, "TO WHO?!"
"Me dumbo." Petra said grinning.
Everyone looked at them, shocked. They didn't even share a room, but they were married? Yeah it's kind of strange.

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