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Soren had finally moved into town with Chastity and Wyatt. They had built a house near the temple, mainly because he wanted to be able to see his friends. He was still overwhelmed from the talk he had with Ivor, but that wasn't going to stop him from introducing his woman. He brought Wyatt and Chastity to the door and walked in, he didn't bother to knock. Chastity was overly worried about how it would go, like always.
"We're here!" Soren announced laughing.
"Sup dude?" Axel asked, looking over. "Chastity?"
"Axel?" Chastity said shocked.
"You two know each other?" Soren asked confused.
"Um yeah, Axel used to babysit for me." Chastity explained, hugging Axel.
"Nice to see you again." Axel said hugging back.
"Oh, that's quite strange." Soren said thinking about the coincidence.
"Not really, we used to live in the same town." Jesse explained, finally speaking up.
"Really?" Soren asked surprised.
"Yep, we lived there for two weeks when we were fourteen." Olivia said.
"That's very interesting, well to those who don't know her this is Chastity and her son Wyatt." Soren introduced.
Malachi hid behind Soren's leg shyly. Chastity shook their hands politely. Soren smiled at Wyatt who was trying to get up into his arms.
"Daddy?" Wyatt said to Soren, making everyone's eyes wide. Did that child just call him daddy?
"Yes Wyatt?" Soren asked.
"Up up?" He asked shifting his feet with raised arms.
Soren swiftly picked him up and placed him on his hip. Wyatt hugged Soren, burying his head into Soren's neck. Soren held him closer, walking towards Ivor's room.
"I'll be right back, I want you to meet another friend of mine." Soren said leaving the room.

Soren made his way to Ivor's door, bouncing Wyatt along the way. Soren opened the door to see Ivor passed out and Mika crying.
"Mika what's wrong?" Soren asked worried.
"He won't wake up!" Mika cried.
Soren put Wyatt down fast and ran over. Ivor wasn't breathing. His pulse had stopped too. Soren dragged Ivor's body to the ground and started CPR. Soren was freaking out, he couldn't get Ivor's heart back up.
"Kids go get help!" Soren said, he was afraid.
"Ivor don't you die! I still have too much to say to you!" Soren begged the lifeless body, he was crying.
Jesse ran into the room, pushing Soren out of the way. He held a small machine in his hands, he rubbed them together and slammed them onto Ivor's chest, making his body convulse. Ivor took in a sharp breath as he was shocked back to life.
"Ivor are you alright?!" Soren asked still crying.
"Y-yeah I-im f-f-fine." Ivor said, his stutter from long ago was back.
"Are you sure? You're stuttering!" Jesse said, worried that his brain was ruined due to lack of oxygen.
"Jesse, Ivor used to stutter a lot when we were children. He's fine." Soren explained, Ivor blushing.
"I-i h-hate y-you." Ivor stuttered out, turning a deep shade of red.
"I love you too ivy." Soren said pulling Ivor into a hug. Ivor didn't try to get away, he just accepted that that was how Soren worked.
"Well...ha...I'm just gonna...leave you guys to it..." Jesse said, awkwardly leaving the room.
Soren wouldn't let go of Ivor, so it was pretty awkward for him too. Ivor ended up pushing Soren off of him to get away.
"Don't you love me anymore?" Soren asked jokingly.
"No, you're too poor." Ivor decided to joke back, making Soren laugh.
"But darling!"
"Don't darling me, you had your chance!" Ivor said laughing.
Soren and Ivor kept on going until they were crying with laughter, which attracted everyone to the room. They all watched in amusement as the two fell down in their hysteria.
"What are you two love birds up to?" Ellegaard said with a grin.
Soren and Ivor froze looking at everyone, only to bust into laughter again. They finally calmed down, still giggling here and there.
"You two looked like you were enjoying yourselves a little too much." Olivia joked, making everyone laugh.

"Haha, um, Chastity, this is my friend Ivor!" Soren said with a bright smile.
"Hello Ivor, I'm Chastity!" She said shaking his hand.
"Looks like Soren still has an eye for women." Ivor said, making Soren break into laughter again.
"Oh, well thank you!" Chastity laughed.
"My pleasure." Ivor said smiling like a dork.
"I like your friend Soren." Chastity laughing.
"I like him too." Soren said still laughing.
"Yes I also like me." Ivor joked, making everyone laugh again.

They all headed towards the living room laughing. They stopped when they saw the two children sleeping on each other. They looked so adorable that they took about a million pictures. Magnus stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do. Axel stood next to him silently, not really sure about what was happening.
"Maybe we should put them in bed." Ivor suggested with a laugh.
Everyone agreed and put the children in the guest room to rest. The rest of the night they sat on the couch, drinking and making jokes until they were laughing at almost nothing.
"Ivor, truff er derr?" Jesse slurred.
"Mmm, derr." He answered drunkenly.
"I derr yoo ta kiss Seren!" Jesse laughed out.
Ivor didn't object at all as he stood up and grabbed Soren, pulling him into a sloppy kiss. Everyone passed out from laughing. When they woke up only Ivor and Soren remembered the kiss, which they decided to keep between them. Little did they know, Jesse snapped a few photos of the entire affair. Which, of course, he would use as black mail for another time. They all had major hangovers the entire day, but they regretted nothing. After all, it was the most fun the had had in years, and they wouldn't change it for the world. Ivor, on the other hand, spent half of the day with his head in the toilet, puking.

Pain is only Natural (a minecraft story mode fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt