Day Eight

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Jamie: 'what're you up to this weekend?'

Me: 'nothing, why?'

Jamie: 'doc just cleared me'


Me: '???'

Jamie: 'I'm syphilis-free baby gorilla'


Jamie: 'Jesus this phone. Babygirl*'

Me: 'well thanks for the blue balls you ass'

Jamie: 'please Cecilia you give me blue balls all the time I swear I always want to do you but shit you gotta fix me and all it's just I wanna get fixed by you but I also wanna get sexed by you. Do you feel?'

I mean he is syphilis-free so I don't see the harm...

Me: 'I'm not stopping it from happening'

Me: 'but I swear if this becomes a thing that we have sex more than once...'

Jamie: 'I promise it'll just be a one time thing'

Why do I have a feeling that that's not true? Even more why don't I have a problem with it happening more than once?

Me: 'don't make promises that you know we both can't keep lol'

Jamie: 'meaning?'

Me: 'you and I both know it won't just be a one-time thing'

Jamie: 'exactly'

The hell is that supposed to mean?

Me: 'what'

Jamie: 'everything that we've ever promised each other ends up getting forgotten about so if either one of us promises something like that then we should both know that's not gonna be kept for too long'

Jamie: 'like you said you'd only give me pleasure just that once when we nearly had sex but look where we are now'

Me: 'I hate to admit it but you're right'

Jamie: 'always am when it comes to you babe'

Maybe he isn't busy, Cecilia, don't get so distracted by your hormones but hold off until the weekend.


"Who's this with you?" I question Tina.

"Jackson," she answers me.

"Have you two talked things over?"

"That's what we are here for..." Tina trails off, shifting in her seat next to Jackson. Well crap.

"Alright," I nod and write down both of their names on a blank sheet of paper. "so, Jackson, I would like to hear your side of the whole incident."

"Well, it started with her throat hurting after blowing me," Jackson begins. Jesus Christ, Tina. "I wanted to go out clubbing but she wanted sleep so I let her be. When I'm at the club I get way too many drinks and I don't really remember much except for kissing someone and I thought it was Tina at the time. Next day, I tried to explain to her what happened and she wouldn't have it so she gathered her stuff and left."

Satyriasis - ja.benn ☆ (18+) ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now