Day Twelve

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{this update is dedicated to EL James and David Nicholls}

For the past few weeks, I've lost almost all contact with Jamie. I can tell it's my fault because Katie told me that love isn't a reason for him to ignore a girl. I know it's because I flirting with a rapist. And I know he just want to protect me. I feel like he's more mad at himself instead of me. At this point, I'm just thanking God that Jamie was the one to pick me up.

"So, your...uhm," I look down at the looped letters on a new client's paperwork. "your plastic surgeon sent you?"

She adjusts the skin on her face as if it's falling down. "Yes."

"Do you know why?"

"Because I have a problem," she shrugs, saying this as more of a question rather than an answer.

"I'm assuming with insecurity?" I ask. She nods.

"My surgeon tells me how he doesn't want to do any more damage to my body and face and says he feels that I need to see a therapist since I dislike my appearance so much."

I glance down at her paperwork to see her name; Darcy Grey.

"Darcy, what about your body don't you like?" I question, glancing at a before and after photo of her. She had the perfect body before getting all of the surgery done.

"Everything," she replies. "I've always wanted to be like my mom...when she was my age she had the perfect curves. My dad still hasn't stopped talking about them."

I write this down and I wait for her to continue.

"I guess I get the insecurity from my dad," she tells me. "he was always under pressure being the CEO of Grey Enterprises Holdings Inc. According to my mother, he was very troubled and had a dark past that she was afraid of at first. I guess his fear and insecurity bounced on to me."

"Did he ever overcome that?" I ask.

Darcy nods, leaning back on the couch. "Yeah."


"My mom helped him by letting him have sex with her," she answered. "eventually they realized they were in love and then came me."

"Was he a sex addict?" I question her.

"I don't think so," she tells. "I think he just had sex a lot but he wasn't addicted. I think my mother told me once that his dark past has something to do with it but nobody has wanted to tell me."

I nod while jotting this down on my notebook paper. I get the feeling that since Darcy's father had a similar insecurity problem, her issue is genetic. But, her's is far different from her father's. Although, Darcy has something about her that she frowns down upon, she changes her body instead of her sexual actions.

"Possibly, if you really want to know," I suggest. "you could maybe figure out what it was that troubled your father so much. Then, that might help you understand more of your insecurities."

"Maybe," she sighs, clearly disappointed. Probably in from the fact that she has all this sadness bottled up in her and she doesn't have any idea why. Darcy doesn't have to feel this way.


"Have you two talked at all lately?" Katie asks me. I shake my head, no.

"Not unless he has his appointments," I mix sugar into my coffee. "even then it feels weird."

"What happened that night?"

"I basically went behind his back and I'm still not able to figure out why," I reply.

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