Day Thirteen

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adjective: lonely; comparative adjective: lonelier; superlative adjective: loneliest
• without companions; solitary.

I glance outside of my office and see a new client of mine filling out forms next to Antoine. The girl glances up at me and smiles weakly. I step over to her and see how her body is trembling.

"Is everything with these forms okay?" I ask her, sitting in the empty chair beside her.

"I'm confused about the medication section."

"You just need to put down any medications that you take and if you don't know the dosage, we can get that later," I tell her.

"Oh, well then I'm done," she tells me, handing me the clipboard, her hands shaking.

"Thank you," I say. "your appointment isn't until after my first client's so you can grab any of those magazines or listen to music."

She gives me a nervous smile and nods. I look over at Antoine and tell him that it's time for his appointment and he stands up from the chair he had been seated in and steps into my office.

"Ah," he winces as he sits down. I glance down at Antoine's bloodstained knuckles and then up at his face. One could guess that Antoine just got jumped. He looks like he almost wants to cry.

I take a seat in my leather chair and he looks over at me, taking deep breaths.

"Are you angry or just in pain?"

"Both," he answers and I take a deep breath, preparing for the worst.

"Do they tie together?"

He nods. "The anger causes the pain."

"How?" I question, grabbing my notepad and a pen.

"I thought being back with Lauren could fix the emptiness that I felt when Amy and Tyler got closer," Antoine explains. It never does. "but it didn't so I had to break it off with her."

"Is that why you feel so much pain?"

He shakes his head, no.

"Why do you, then?"

"Amy and Tyler got in a car accident," he begins. "I'd be lying if I said that doesn't kill me inside. Especially since Amy lost her memory. But it also gives me some hope that she now doesn't remember any of us so now I have a chance at winning her heart this time."

"Have you tried to get to her?" I ask.

"Not yet," Antoine says. "I've only introduced myself to her. But I'm not sure what I'll be able to do since I've lost Tyler as a friend and that discourages me. I never intended to fight with Tyler like this. I never intended to lose him. It seems like all he and I have done is fight so I haven't even had a chance to get anywhere near Amy."

"What are the fights like?"

"Physical and verbal."

I nod and write this down on the notepad. "So, your knuckles having dry blood on them and your jaw being bruised...are those from fighting with Tyler?"

Satyriasis - ja.benn ☆ (18+) ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now