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Hi. I'm Juliet, an English-born 18 year old who has lived in Korea since I was 2. I live with my mum and her Korean husband, aka my step dad, Sung-jin, who I just call Jin for short.

My western appearance never really bothers anyone in our town, probably because I've lived here since I was a toddler, and my Korean accent is standard. That tends to shock newcomers when they first come here, I guess they expect a thick American accent when they look at me. I used to get a lot of attention from boys when I was around 13, due to my big blue eyes, however about a year later they started to find more skinnier girls attractive, which didn't really bother me in the slightest. I was always the 'fat one' according to the girls in my school. I knew I wasn't fat, everyone knew that, but I think it made the girls feel better about themselves, so I just let them do their thing. Yeah, sometimes I would be upset by the fact that I wasn't stick thin like they were. It doesn't matter anyway, after I started dancing I ended up toning up, so I stick my middle fingers up to those girls now.

When I say I started dancing, I don't mean I went to classes, I just learnt myself from YouTube and then I progressed to choreographing my own routines. I just dance in my living room when my mum and Jin are at work, which is most of the time.

My dad lives in the UK, and I Skype him on Christmas and on my birthday. It sometimes gets a bit awkward, as I've never really met him in real life apart from before I moved here. But meh, its cool I guess.

I never really leave our small town, probably due to the fact that Jin is too concerned about my safety, and I don't have enough money to travel to places like Seoul, although I have always wanted to go. I don't mind though, I have a few friends who I normally hang out with in the park, Jimin, Minji and Ji-woo, who we all call Woosly. Don't ask.

My experience with boys? I've had one serious relationship before, but I was about 15 and it just didn't work out.

My ideal type? I not so sure that I have a type, I guess someone who cooks?

No no no, I've never been attracted to the idea of bad boys, the last 'bad boy' I met just smoked weed and rode a skateboard. Turns out he's afraid of fish.

If I'm honest, I'm not really sure that bad boys exist.




Hi! I hope you liked this little introduction. I do not live in Korea so I don't any clue about the law or anything. I'm just taking wild guesses.

I wanted to write a book that didn't include all of the usual, cliché storylines. Yeah, yeah I know the 'bad boy' image is quite popular but I'm trying okay?!

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this story!


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