"It's not everyday you see a guy with pink hair"

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The loud bass of my mothers music blasted throughout the walls of our house, with her shrieks (singing) practically deafening all of our neighbours. Jin was staying at his brothers place for a week, so it was just mum and me. It just so happened that sneaky Jin chose the week that fell on the annual night: 'get drunk with Sooky and Sally'. Except for now it's 'get drunk and cry over Sooky with Sally'. Sooky was mum's best friend, and she died a few years ago due to a car accident. Her and mum had made up an event where they got super pissed and jammed to their favourite tunes once a year, two days after Sooky's birthday. When she sadly died, my mum decided to carry on the tradition every year, to stop her from drinking heavily every other night. That night and new years was the only time my mum and Sooky ever drank, and my mum surprisingly carried on, even though the loss of her best friend took its toll on her mentally.

I was upstairs in my bedroom, trying to watch a drama, but even my headphones couldn't block out the horrific sound my mum called music. In the end I gave up and ended up treading down the stairs to join my mother in the living room. I walked over to the stereo and turned the music off, as it was now 11pm and I was sure the neighbours would complain sooner or later. My mum stopped dancing, and complained in English, waving the bottle of red wine around. When it's just me and my mum, I talk in English, as her accent can be hard to understand when she speaks Korean sometimes.

"Mum, it's 11pm, don't you think that you should at least be a little bit considerate to our neighbours?" She rolled her eyes and slurred some gibberish at me, before falling onto the sofa and laughing hysterically. I decided to just leave her and wandered into the kitchen to make myself a milkshake. I opened the fridge door and groaned loudly. She had forgotten to get milk, and she'd go insane if she didn't have her cup of tea tomorrow morning. I was not prepared to wake up at 7am to go to the shops and buy some flipping milk when it was supposed to be my lay in. I glanced at my mum, who was still laughing and rolling all over the sofa, and debated whether it would be good idea to leave her on her own. She'd never smashed anything when she had been drunk before, so I took the rational decision to just fuck it and pop to the corner shop at the end of the street.

I told my mum where I was going, even though she didn't take anything I said into consideration, and I slipped on my large black hoodie, as it was slightly chilly, and left the house.

As I was walking down our road, I started to become a bit apprehensive about being alone at this time of the night. Our town wasn't exactly safe after 9 o clock, and the corner shop does sort of does scream druggies and hooligans.

Seriously the risks I take for milk.

When the small shop was in sight, I couldn't help but notice two figures lurking outside the door, and my breath shortened slightly. I tried to keep myself calm and to be not so judgemental, they might just be two young men who needed some milk as well, and now they were just having a lovely conversation about how their day went.


I took a deep breath and put on my resting bitch face, pretending that I wasn't even aware of their presence. I could hear them talking in their low voices, and they stopped as soon as I crossed their path. However much I wanted to ignore them, I couldn't help but glance at them, and I ended up locking eyes with the guy closest to the door. He had bleached blonde hair and a snapback on and several piercings on his ears, including stretchers. The second guy had the same, however his hair was a reddish pink colour. They continued to stare at me as I passed them, as I did to them. No expression was on their faces and I was sort of confused as to why I couldn't look away.

Obviously as I went into the store I had to break eye contact, as otherwise I would've tripped up the step and banged my head on the glass door in front of me. That wouldn't of been embarrassing at all.

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