"He's hurting you,"

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"Have you ever made brownies?" JB randomly asked, while we were sitting watching a new Kdrama. I turned towards him and nodded slowly, as if i was a bit suspicious. "Don't look at me like that, I wanna make brownies. Make some with me?" He pleaded, putting his hand in front of my face, while I was engrossed in a tense scene. I groaned loudly and got up from the sofa before switching the TV off, mumbling how much trouble he was. I could hear him laughing from behind me and I couldn't help but smile at the wonderful noise. "You have the ingredients?" He asked, while I paused for a second, going through the recipe in my head.

"Yep, we should be okay," I grinned, instructing JB to read the small baking book on the counter. His eyes scanned the page while I grabbed the ingredients, sneaking a few glimpses of him while he was reading. He caught me staring and smiled at me warmly, which made me blush madly. I blushed at everything he did.

"This recipe is weird," he stated, making a disgusted look on his face.

"Not every recipe is the same, don't worry, it will taste nice I promise."

"Fine, fine," he grumbled, while I started to measure out the ingredients. After I had done, I put them into the bowl and started stirring. I them looked at the guy next to me, just observing.

"Ya, you said you wanted to make brownies and you're not even doing anything?"

"I'll stir then," I stuck my tongue out as I passed it to him and he laughed lightly. He whipped it round so fast that the mixture ended up going all over his face. I couldn't stop laughing at his precious little face, cursing and desperately trying to wipe it off with kitchen roll.

"Ya stop laughing!" He exclaimed, but it just made me laugh harder. He finally shut me up by clasping his hand over my mouth, however tiny giggles could still be heard. "Better." He grinned, before walking over to the bowl and this time mixing carefully. We plopped the brownie mixture into a tray and then shoved it in the oven. I leant against the kitchen counter next to JB, who was cleaning the stuff away. After he had done he grabbed my arm and pulled me into the lounge, and sat on the couch, facing each other. I took this opportunity to admire his features, and a small smile escaped my lips while doing so. I probably looked really creepy. He had a serious expression on his face, and he looked straight into my eyes, making me nervous. His gaze then diverted to my lips, and my heart went wild. He caressed my face before leaning in.

Yeah that's right, he kissed me, again. This time it was a lot more passionate, and in no time he was already on top of me, not like that, but he was laying on top of me anyway. I was quite enjoying myself, and the way he touched me, not like that, was magical.

Suddenly, the door clicked open and JB immediately rolled off me while I sat up straight. Appa looked at me, then JB, before speaking in a cold tone.

"What. the. hell. is. going. on?" I gulped and glanced at JB, who was still frozen on the floor, his lips swollen. When no one answered, he went on an absolute rage at JB. "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?! WHY ARE YOU KISSING MY DAUGHTER LIKE THAT HUH?" He took at big step closer and JB quickly scrambled to his feet, for the first time he actually looked scared, if I wasn't in this situation I would have found it very amusing.

"I- I was erm..." JB stuttered, not really knowing what to say.

"Is this one of your older friends?!" Appa turned to me, and I nodded slowly, not making eye contact. "HOW DARE YOU TAKE ADVANTAGE OF A GIRL YOUNGER THAN YOU, YOU SHOULD BE DISGRACED WITH YOURSELF!" He yelled at JB, before I stepped in.

"Appa, leave it, it wasn't his fault." I stood up slowly, defending JB.

"It obviously was, Juliet you are too young to do this with this" He made a circle gesture towards JB, and I calmly stepped in front of the poor lad, assuring my dad that he was a good guy. "A GOOD GUY?!"

"Yes father, he isn't like that."

"Juliet I know who he is, he's not safe to hang around with, let alone get into a relationship with." His voice dropped and he gave an icy glare at JB. "I've seen him around before, causing havoc, and I know what he is." I turned to JB, confused, while he just looked everywhere but me.

"Sir, that was a very long time ago." He spoke quietly, but not weakly. I assumed that he must have done something in the past, and I wasn't going to question what it was.

"I don't care, I don't want you hurting my daughter."

"He won't hurt me, he never has," I lied.

"You are forbidden to see him. Ever." A lump got caught in my throat as I panicked.

"Appa, no, please,"

"He is no good, you must never see him again." I shook my head vigorously, before backing away, bumping into JB, who touched my shoulder in comfort.

"But appa he's my friend, and he makes me happy,"

"He's dangerous Juliet, I suggest he leaves now." I could feel JB reluctantly starting to move before I clung to him, pulling him back to where he was previously.

"No Appa, I want him to stay!" I pleaded, tears threatening to spill. "Don't make him leave me." I said quietly, while JB put his arms around my waist.

"Don't touch her like that!" Jin bellowed, and JB immediately removed his hands.

"He can touch me however he wants!" I yelled.

"No he cannot!"

"He's my friend appa, and I say he can do what he wants!"

"So he can rape you?!"

"He would never do such a thing!"

"Pfft of course he would, he's leading you on! He doesn't actually want you Juliet!" I stopped at his harsh words, before tears fell down my face.

"I know, but I don't mind." Appa looked at me in disbelief, while I carried on crying silently.

"Juliet he's hurting you."

"I DONT CARE!" I shouted, still tears eyed. "As long as he's with me I really do not care."

"Aishhh Juliet look what you've got yourself into, now you like him!"

"No, I love him."


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