"Ma'am, are you okay?"

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The whole restaurant turned to look at us. I smiled apologetically and then turned my attention to the idiots I was sitting with.

"Wait when the hell was this?" Mark enquired, and I felt a bit bad for telling them, I literally thought they knew, seeing as JB obviously told them that he likes me.

"About a couple of days a go, after you left to go see that girl." I pointed to Mark, who had his mouth open in shock. "Guys we just kissed, he kisses loads of girls right?"

"Yeah but, it's different, like he actually cares about you, so much." Jackson explained. I was confused as to what that had to do with him kissing me but fine, I just went along with it. "And Mark? What girl?" Mark went bright red and told him that he'd discuss it another time, bless him.

"But seriously Juliet, he really likes you." Mark looked at me with sincerity and I could feel myself blushing. I fanned myself with my hand before gulping down some water, which of course I ended up choking on. Jackson immediately came to my side and hit my back while I coughed my guts up. Hmm attractive. Once I finally calmed down, I asked where JB was, as it was unusual for him to not be with Mark.

"He's gone to sort something out." That was the reply I got from his best friend, who then quickly changed the subject. I knew that meant that he was doing something that he shouldn't, and I started to become worried, in case he was in danger. I didn't want to get into their business, as it was their private life, so I didn't push the issue further, however my stomach was going it just thinking about the danger he could be in right now. I looked out of the window, trying to calm myself down by taking deep breaths.

"Juliet, are you okay?" Jackson snapped me out of my trance and I nodded quickly, before returning to my position. I knew he didn't believe me, but Mark knew me well enough to let me be, and so he told Jackson to carry on.

We only stayed for another 15 minutes, me still sulking and not talking to either of them. As we left Mark whispered in my ear, checking if I was okay, and I gave him a small, fake smile before unlocking my phone, pretending I had something to do. I heard him sigh next to me and he walked in front of me where Jackson was goofing around. I was still really worried about JB, and I felt physically sick. I wasn't sure if I wanted to know what he was up to, but I was concerned about his safety. I probably sounded like his mum or something, wanting to know where he was and if he was safe. I decided to shake it off, and I skipped to where Markson were, linking arms with both of them. They didn't seem to mind my sudden change of mood, and so they carried on telling jokes and making me laugh so hard I almost fell over about 10 times.

The drive home however, was silent, mainly because we were all so full and tired, and I was relieved to return home. It was only 9 o clock, so I wouldn't get a lecture from mum.

As soon as I had finished talking briefly with my mum about her work, I rushed upstairs to get myself ready for bed. I tired to keep the negative thoughts out of my brain, although my mind was going crazy, thinking about all of the possibilities. My phone rung just as I was about to climb into bed, and I groaned in annoyance, picking it up and looking at the caller ID. Mark. I really wasn't in the mood to talk to him, and he'd probably just bug me until I told him what was wrong. I declined the call and sent a quick message, saying that I was going to bed, before switching my phone off, finally getting into my bed, and falling into a deep sleep.


I woke up the next morning, my eyes stinging from the bright light that shone through my window at 7am. Appa had just opened the curtains on his way to work, yelling something about revenge for not doing the dishes the night before. Urgh. I reached out for my phone on my bedside table, turning it on. Once my eyes had finally adjusted to the sunlight, I looked at my phone realising I had 20 new messages and 11 missed calls, all from Mark and Jackson. I sat up quickly, opening my inbox as quick as I could.

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