"Oh, I'm Jackson by the way"

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"JULIET!" Minji screamed as she saw me waiting for her and the other two outside the food court. I jumped at first in shock but then ran to her at full speed, causing us to collide and fall to the floor. Jimin and Woosly were in stitches as we scrambled to our feet, pretending that nothing happened. it had felt like ages since I had last seen them, and I was more that happy to be reunited.

We walked around a few shops, looking at shoes for Woosly, as she had been given some birthday money and she was determined to find the perfect pair of boots for university.

I had been accepted into Seoul's top university to study performing arts, and I was so excited to go. We had just finished school about 2 weeks ago, and we had a 10 week break ahead of us before we were sent off to another 2 years of education. Jimin was going to college to do a course on beauty therapy, and Woosly was attending a university not far from our town, to study Law.

We strolled into Minji's aunt's shop and looked around at the clothes. My eyes laid on a beautiful, light pink, strapless dress and I walked towards it. Jimin and Minji fangirled and grabbed it off the hanger, holding it up against me and rambling on about how gorgeous it was.

"It's beautiful isn't it Woosly?" Jimin squealed, shoving the dress in her face.

"Yeah... but no offence this is a party, not a ball, you need to find something a bit more risky. Guys like innocent girls in slutty clothing, just saying." I looked at her defeated. I reluctantly put the dress back on the rack, as I know that she is right, and I don't want to turn up looking like a 12 year old.

"You like JB right?" Jimin suddenly asked, and I looked at her in shock.

"NO?! Why would you ask that?" The other girls smirked.

"Fine. What would you do if JB kissed you." I froze. The worst thing was that I was actually imagining what it would be like, I was thinking of his lips on mine and that scared me.

"I-I, erm, well, I don't know." The girls all squealed and I rolled my eyes.

"Oh my god you totally like JB! We have to make you look irresistible!" Minji exclaimed, her eyes screaming mischief.

Oh dear lord help me.

"Yah, Juliet, try this." Woosly handed me a short, silk, thin dress. I looked at her and told her that I would never wear that. Nevertheless she still shoved me into the dressing room and ordered me to try it on. I groaned but did as she had said. The material was really smooth and when I looked in the mirror I was pleasantly surprised. It actually didn't look too bad on me. I summoned the girls and they all stood there with their mouth open. I smiled as I took one more look at my reflection.

"You look stunning, you absolutely have to get that!" Exclaimed Jimin, and the others nodded their heads in agreement. I brought the dress, using Minji's 20 percent off card, whoops, and then we all went to McDonalds to cure our huge appetites. I was absolutely buzzing for that night, however I couldn't help but feel a tiny bit nervous. I could imagine JB taking one look at me and demanding me to go and get changed because it "wouldn't be suitable" for a girl my age. I don't think I had any feelings towards him, despite the thoughts I had had earlier. He was more like a annoying older brother, and I wasn't really as close to him as I was to Mark, also I don't think I'd ever be enough for them to even look at me in that way.

My stomach twisted with nerves as I said my farewells to the girls and headed towards my house. Luckily mum was working late tonight, so she wouldn't see what I was wearing until after the party, and she couldn't do anything then, so I was safe. I rushed upstairs and took a shower, using all of my favourite toiletries, as I wanted to smell nice. I may have been a little too excited, but then again I really didn't care. I wanted to feel like I belonged at that party, and I was determined to enjoy it as much as I could without feeling self conscious of my age all of the time.

Corner Shop (GOT7)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें