"That's what friends are for."

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"What was all of that? Please, no secrets anymore" I asked them softly, sympathy filling my eyes.

We had returned to my house, after Jackson had led the others away, realising that we needed to talk alone. No words were spoken as all three of us trudged back to mine. I was scared as I didn't know what they were going to say; I still couldn't get my head around the fact that they were actually going to do this. I had basically had an almost death experience, so it was natural for me to be shaken. We were all sitting down on different chairs and couches, the tension was unreal. So I decided to speak up, and ask the dreaded question.

After I had said it, Mark and JB made eye contact and Mark turned to me first, fiddling with his fingers.

"A couple of years a go, JB's mother fell very ill, as you know. He could afford it for a while, as he used his emergency savings to pay for her healthcare. But, about 3 months a go he had completely run out, and banks refused to lend him any money, as he had no job. Unfortunately, JB got no qualifications at school, due to his depression and family life, so no employer would take him on. Jackson and I were with JB comforting him one time, when a man walked up to us and said that he'd heard that JB needed money. We were obviously skeptical at this point, as we didn't know this man or anything. He suggested to us that if we sold a certain amount of drugs in a month, he would pay for JB. However, after we had done the deed and met him again, he said that he would give us the equivalent of 1 million dollars, enough for JB to keep his mother alive for years, if we robbed the offices. Jackson gathered a few trusted friends of his, who agreed to do it if they were paid, and for the last 2 months, almost every night we would meet in an abandoned factory at the end of the high street, to plan how we were going to do it. And yeah, that's it really..."

I was speechless.

I nodded my head, biting my lip to stop myself from crying. I refused to cry when I didn't really need to, JB was the unfortunate one and it would of been selfish of me to burst into tears.

"Why did you do it?" Mark looked at me in confusion.

"I told you, JB needed money.."

"Yeah, but why did YOU do it, and Jackson for that matter." Mark smiled sadly.

"That's what friends are for."

I lost it at that point and tears flowed out of my eyes, I couldn't control it any longer. I cried for JB, I cried for Mark, and I cried for me. I hated the fact that they were forced to do something that they shouldn't have to do. They didn't deserve this, no one deserved it.

As I was crying into my hands, I felt the sofa that I was sitting on dip, and two arms wrapped themselves around me, stroking my hair in comfort. By the smell I knew it was JB, and he really shouldn't be comforting me, it should be the other way round.

After a few minutes, I regained my dignity and calmed down, whispering a small thank you to JB, who still held me tight.

"I'm sorry, I really should not be crying, I'm so selfish, but I couldn't..." JB shushed me and reassured me that it was fine, and he understood.

"What's gonna happen now?" I asked. JB let go of me and ran his hand through his blonde hair, clearly trying to keep himself together. When I turned to look at Mark, he had the same worried expression on his face, but he still answered me.

"I guess, that's it."

"No, I have to find a way..."

"JB you can't, there's no way you could get a job in time to pay."

"I have to try!" JB cried in desperation.

"Why? What's she ever done for you?" Mark almost shouted, and my instinct was to grab JB before he leaped at his best friend. JB just shook me off and remained calm, which surprised me to say the least.

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