"I don't think that's a good idea..."

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I woke up to find that all three of us were spooning on my bed. Yeah I freaked out. Not just because they were attractive and I had only just met them, but because I wasn't too sure how I was going to slip out of Marks grasp; his arms were snaked around my waist and his hands were linked together at the front. And to make matters worse, my left arm was trapped under JB. In the end I just decided to try and suddenly burst out of the awkward position.

But, unfortunately my life is extremely unlucky and so I ended up somehow rolling JB on the floor, Marks strong grip causing a huge pain in my stomach, as the force that sat up at was quite a lot. I coughed like I was going to die, and JB yelled out in pain from the floor. Mark finally woke up and quickly untied himself from me, hitting my back as I was coughing so much.

It must of been really amusing to watch.

After I had calmed down, I looked on the floor to find JB groaning and muttering profanities under his breath. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed, helping him to his feet. He didn't say much, I think he was so hung over he couldn't even think properly. Suddenly a massive pain in my head grew and I cursed, holding my hand to my head.

"Jesus Christ we got so drunk last night." Mark stated the obvious. I turned around and glared at him because his voice was rather loud, and my head was literally going to fall off. I couldn't remember a thing that happened after we went upstairs, I just hoped that nothing was broken, as my mum would literally kill me. Oh god mum's hung over too, which means she'll be super moody, and somehow I'm not sure she's going to like the idea that two almost grown men got drunk and slept in my bed with me. I was about to come up with an escape plan, when there was a knock at the door and my mum came in, rubbing her head. She looked up at the three of us, and she looked shocked. I don't blame her if I'm honest. Mark and JB got the message that they, most likely, were not wanted, and tried to leave the room. But no, my lovely mother decided to block their path and throw a load of questions at them like who they were and what they were doing here.

"MUM!" I yelled, and she stopped and turned her attention to me, her face full of fury.

"What is the meaning of this?" She hissed, actually kinda scaring me. I sighed and told her most of the story, starting from the point where the gang came out, I didn't really think she'd appreciate me talking to strangers.

"You're telling me you went to the corner shop, the one where all of the druggies hang out," She paused, looking at the two lads. "Sorry." JB and Mark just blinked, not really sure how to react. My mum carried on talking. "At 11 o clock at night, to get some flipping MILK?!" I smiled sheepishly at her, hoping that the world would just swallow me whole. She cursed under her breath and then turned to the pair.

"Firstly, I would like to thank you for possibly saving my daughters life, I am forever in your debut. Secondly, I would like it very much if you both could stay for breakfast." My eyes burst out of my eye sockets, WHY MUM WHY? I don't think my mum's ever embarrassed me that much in my life. Annoyingly, the dickheads both agreed, so mum clapped happily and hopped downstairs to make it. I thought I was going to cry, that's how bad it was.

"Your mum's nice." smirked Mark, obviously sensing my embarrassment. I rolled my eyes at him and went over to my bed to make it. I wanted to avoid eye contact as much as possible, as I knew that this breakfast was possibly going to be the death of me.

"By the way," JB came into my view, folding his arms as he watched me fold the sheets. "What's your name?" I stopped and realised. I never actually told them my name, I only knew theirs. How stupid of you Juliet, you pabo.

"Juliet" I answered, I looked up at him and smiled. Mark came over, overhearing our conversation and added:

"Like from Romeo and Juliet?" Seriously the amount of Koreans that have said that to me before is actually ridiculous. I sarcastically smiled at him, making it very clear that I wasn't impressed. He put his hands in the air, surrendering, and chuckled. Aish this guy.

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