I don't have a choice, you do."

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"I might not see you tomorrow." JB said as he put his shoes on. I nodded and told him that a friend was coming over, so I wasn't free anyway. I felt nauseous and unsure whether I should go through with spying on him. He said that him and Mark were dangerous, so that should be a warning to me never to find out. But my mind was buzzing with questions, and I desperately needed answers.

We said our good byes and I closed the door. I grabbed my jacket and shoes and chucked them on, before racing through the back door and gate into the bushes beside our driveway. Luckily he was still in sight, so I could see the direction that he was going in. When he turned the corner, I jumped out from my hiding place and carefully tip toed after him.


A few streets later and a couple of almost being caught moments, he arrived in a dark alley, behind the big dustbins. I held my breath and nipped across the road, crouching behind a bin. I could hear him sighing impatiently, which was an indication that whoever he was waiting for was late. A couple of minutes later I heard a load of footsteps and I was curious, so I found a spot where I could see what was going on. About 10 guys in black hoodies approached JB, and I was suddenly scared that they were going to attack him. The guy in front took his hood off, revealing Mark. I was so confused but carried on watching anyway.

"You are late." JB spoke coolly, and Mark nodded without any expression on his face.

"Jackson was late." Mark pointed to the guy who was now next to him, and when I saw a bit of his face I knew it was him. JB didn't say anything, and then Mark passed him something wrapped up in a cloth. When JB took it off I had to physically force myself not to gasp in shock, because sure enough, a black gun sat in JB's hand, like it belonged there. I was expecting drug dealing or something, but this was on a different level. I wanted to run away, but the position I was in would make it obvious that I was watching them, and with JB holding a gun, who knows what could happen.

JB then tied a black scarf around his face, and put his hood over his head, leaving only his eyes visible. The others soon did the same, and they looked like some sort of gang. I was very frightened, and was now regretting being nosy and trying to intercept their private lives. They all left, leaving me shivering inbetween the dustbins. After a good 20 seconds I crept out of my hiding place and looked around. Sure enough, across the street, they all crept along the path, heading to the town. I slowly walked to follow them on the other side of the road, making sure that I wasn't seen by any of them, even though it was flipping hard. They all had eyes like hawks, and I guessed that was because they didn't want anyone to see what they were going to do, it was that bad.

It was surreal, seeing two of your friends being dragged into another world. It's quite hard to believe the change of character.

After a while we had reached the back entrance to what seemed like a bank or something. It was dark, and I was too busy following them to actually realise where we were. I took in my surroundings quickly and then it hit me.

This was Jin's offices.

His workplace, if it had money stolen, would result in my step-father loosing his job. He was not at work at that moment, however, his colleagues were, and if they were to be harmed then I would've never forgive myself. I couldn't let them do this, even though they were my friends, I couldn't.

Maybe they aren't trying to steal something, maybe they are just looking for someone?

I had no proof that they were going to do anything like that, so I couldn't stop them. I decided to get closer and listen to their conversation.

"Right, Mark, you stay beside me, we'll go upstairs and shoot to scare. Jackson, you go with the others to steal the money. Kill anyone that gets in your way." I couldn't believe the words that were coming out of JB's mouth. I couldn't let this happen, I couldn't.

However much I loved them as friends I couldn't just let people die. I was so disappointed and angry that they were like this, and I had to do it, even if it meant risking my own life.

"No you will not." I stood up and spoke. Everyone turned around in alarm.

"Juliet?! What the hell?!" Jackson exclaimed, but I just glared at him.

"Look Juliet, I'm sorry but we have to do this..." JB started but I ignored him.

"My step-father works here, and if you think I'm gonna let you get away with this then you're wrong." One of the guys came up to me and pointed his gun at my head.

"Hmmm, and how are you going to do that?" I froze. I breathed in slowly.

This is your chance.

I elbowed him in the stomach and took him down and grabbed his gun. I pointed it at JB.

"Juliet stop, you don't know what you're doing." He said, and he looked worried.

"I know exactly what I'm doing. I will call the police. I don't care if you're my friends I can't let this happen do you understand?" Mark tried to come towards me but I aimed the gun towards him.

"You wouldn't...?" His voice was almost a whisper, and he sounded shocked. My eyes started to water and I had to stop myself from crying. I couldn't appear weak, however afraid I was.

"I don't have a choice. You do." JB ran his hand through his hair in frustration, and Jackson softly called my name. I turned to look at him, my gun still pointing at Mark.

"It's not their fault, they don't want to do this at all, none of us do." He smiled sadly, and my arm dropped.

"Why?" I asked, my voice shaking. He took a small step towards me.

"JB's mother is very ill, and he can't afford her healthcare, so, he is doing this for someone, who pays for his mother." He answered. I looked at JB, who was looking at the ground.

"But- why- how can- I didn't..." I was lost for words. I thought I would faint. I was so lost and confused and upset. I didn't want to loose my friends but I can't just let them kill innocent people.

"I'm sorry, but I can't let you kill innocent people. I'm really sorry." And with that I ran away, and stopped in a nearby bush. I took my phone out of my pocket and was about to ring the police when strong hands grabbed me from behind.

"Juliet please don't, I need this I can't let her die!" JB pleaded, his eyes begging for mercy. A tear fell down my cheek as I pushed him off me. I dialled the number and put my phone to my ear. "JULIET NO!" He yelled and took my phone from me before smashing it into pieces.

I knew I was done for.

"Oppa." I whispered, and JB looked at me with sorry eyes.

"I can't have any witnesses." He sobbed, and aimed the gun at my head. I knew he didn't want to do this, and even though I was terrified, I forced myself to accept the consequences.

"Oppa, before you shoot me, I need to tell you something..." I quickly whispered, trying to keep myself together. I saw Mark standing opposite me, crying silently. "I love you and Mark very much, and I know you don't want to do this, so I forgive you. I love you and I forgive you" I cried, not being able to hold in my tears any longer. I looked at Mark, who was screaming for JB to let me go, Jackson and the others holding him back. I then averted my gaze to JB who couldn't stop crying. I reached out for his face and wiped his tears away. He took the gun away from my head and took me into his arms. He cried and cried and cried, and I did too.

"I'm so sorry Juliet, I won't do it, I love you." I knew he meant as a friend, and so I said it back, allowing him to hold me tight, ignoring the pain in my shoulders. Mark came and joined us and sobbed into my back. I turned around and hugged him, repeatedly telling him that I loved him too.




Wow so that was emotional 😢


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