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I spun around to see JB, in only a vest, his face with several gashes on it. I gasped and ran up to him, jumping into his arms. I cried in shock and kissed his cheeks a thousand times. He put me down and I studied his face, stuttering gibberish as I really didn't know what to say.

"Why the fuck- what?" I couldn't stop the tears from falling and JB was constantly wiping them away. After I had calmed down slightly, I punched him I the chest, hard.

"WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN?! EVERYONES WORRIED SICK, WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR FACE AND WHY ARE YOU ONLY WEARING A VEST?!" I shouted at him angrily and he looked sort of surprised. I wasn't actually angry at HIM, I was more angry at the situation, and luckily he understood.

"Hey hey calm down, I'm okay now." He hugged me gently and I squeezed him, tears falling from my eyes once more.

"I thought you were dead." I spluttered, making JB chuckle.

"You can't get rid of me that easily." I hit him on the shoulder for joking about it and he laughed, stroking my hair. We stood there for about 5 minutes, in silence, just hugging. Finally, I let go and persuaded him to come to mine so he can become warm again, both mum and Jin would have gone to work by then, so there wouldn't have to be an explanation. We jogged home, as he was absolutely freezing, and so was I to that matter.

As soon as we got home JB leaned against the radiator while I phoned Mark, telling him what had just happened. He was so relieved and demanded to come over at once, which I obviously agreed to. His mum was going to ring up the police and tell them that he had been found, so I didn't have to worry about dealing with that. I smiled as I hung up, grateful that JB was still alive. I boiled a kettle and then made JB wear my oversized hoodie, which was slightly too small for him, but it wasn't noticeable.

"Sorry about being a dick about the phone number thing." He suddenly said, and I almost laughed in his face; like I cared about that anymore.

"It's fine, I really don't care about that anymore, I'm just relieved you're here." I said honestly, and he took my hand in his, squeezing it slightly before leaning his head against the wall and closing his eyes.


"You know, the police are going to want to know what's going on, you can't hide anything from them." Mark said, as I kept my ear on the door, listening in to their conversation. Mark had come after I had cleaned up JB's face, without Jackson, and after about 10 minutes of hugging and crying, Mark asked to speak to JB alone. They were in the bathroom, while I was "downstairs". I shouldn't be nosy, but I felt like I had to know what was going on. Unfortunately, it sounded like JB refused to tell Mark, saying that it didn't matter. He probably knew that I was listening, it's not as if I'm not going to be curious or anything. It sort of annoyed me that he was clever like that.

"Mark, I can't tell the police." There was a long silence before Mark finally replied.

"What are you going to say then?"

"I don't know, like I got attacked by robbers or something."

"Yeah cause they're going to believe that when they see you doing whatever your doing on camera."

"It wasn't in public."

"Then where the hell was it? Why can't you tell me? Don't you trust me?"

"Of course I do, I just don't want you getting involved, I was stupid enough to let you into the gang, I won't risk loosing you Mark." I took that as my cue to silently walk down the stairs, as they would be having a heart to heart, and I didn't really want to be that nosy. After I entered the kitchen I took my headphones off the counter and onto my head, and plugged it into my phone, listening to music to calm myself down.

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