Chapter 7

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Daniel finally fixed the machine and asked me to grab the guys. I did and waited for all of them to get in the room. Cecil was his old self and the others were about to be their old self. Oh so I thought.

As Daniel pushed the button a baby puppy runs in and trips over some plugs. The machine was smoking and the laser shot out towards the guys. And the puppy got scared and left while the smoke cover the entire room.

Once the smoke was clearing I saw the guys as there selfs but something was off. They did not act themselves.

"You guys ok?" Asked Cecil as he walked closer to them.

"We're fine" said Syo but in the way Natsuki would say it.

They all looked at him and Syo(Natsuki) was shocked, he went to the mirror there and saw his reflection. It was Syo's body but Natsuki's actions.

Natsuki(Syo) also walked to the mirror and saw he was tall and had glasses which he did not need. He passed them to Syo(Natsuki) and looked in the mirror shocked and was about to pass out.

"If that happened to them, does that mean it happen to us?" Said Tokiya(Otoya) while looking at Otoya(Tokiya) and pointed his finger to him then to himself and ran to the mirror and he did faint while Otoya(Tokiya) looked at the now passed out Tokiya(Otoya) and looked at himself and saw he had red hair, red eyes and had Otoya's tone of voice which was kinda high pitch.

Masato(Ren) looked or more like checked himself out in the mirror as Ren(Masato) sat down drinking his tea like nothing happened but the long hair started to bother him. So he tried and put it in a ponytail but failed and Masato(Ren) came and helped him out.

Daniel and I looked at them and then to each other and just was so confused. Daniel walked to the machine and started to fix it once again. While I walk to the guys and Cecil too, I wanted to help them but couldn't do anything but keep them from anyone else.

Tokiya(Otoya) finally woke up and was sitting in a chair next to Cecil who had water for him. Masato(Ren), Syo(Natsuki), Otoya(Tokiya), Ren(Masato) and Natsuki(Syo) were all looking at me and Daniel as we try and function this situation down.


Some time passed and we were all in the room thinking of a way to keep there secret from the others since they had a interview in a little. I suggested for them to try and act like each other. At first they looked at me and then at each other and nodded but then Daniel came in and told us...

"Do you think they are really going to act like each other?"

"Well I think so...since they do live with each other...and they lived with each other for some time."
"So mayyyyybeeeeee...they could do this." I said to Daniel and the guys looked at me and nodded their heads.

We left the room and went to the interview.


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