Chapter 25

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I finished a song that I've been working on for some time now. And this feeling is getting worse.

My chest started to hurt and not the falling in love kind of thing or feeling jealous too. The pain as I can't even stand up or I can't just stand it anymore.

I have an appointment with a doctor but I also have an interview with the press today with Starish and Nanami who I became friends with.

I still feel jealous about her, yes I feel jealous of her, who wouldn't.

I haven't told them about the pain and all, I want it to be a secret from them just in case it was nothing. But the pain is getting harder to hide.

It's two hours before the interview and I'm going to actually perform a song. Saotome heard me sing my song and he decided that I should sing that song today.

It's an hour before the interview, I'm getting nervous and the guys keep telling me to not worry, that's it's going to be ok.

I calmed down a little and the pain was still there. I had a small breakfast but the pain was still there. I drank water but the pain was still there. I took a pill, but the pain was still there.

What's up with this pain, how come the pain killer didn't work. Please let it be nothing.

It's finally time, I can't believe it. I'm going to do this. We walked on stage as the person said our names and all.

They also said they have a surprise for them which as me. Great here goes nothing I guess, but this pain is killing me.

"You ok?" Asked Natsuki

"Yay I'm fine."


"(Y/n) please come up here and do what you do best."

"Ah y-yes." I walked towards the front and was about to sing when the pain hit so badly I clenched my shirt over my chest and fell on the floor.

Everyone stood up and came close to me, the press started to take all kinds of pictures and the security started to swoosh them away.


What happened to me? Where am I? Why can't I move? Why am I'm in a dark room?

What's going on? Please someone explain! Please!

I hear voices, where are they coming from? They are muffled but I know people are here? But I can't see anything?

Why can't I see anything? Am I, no I can't be? But what was I going to do before I blacked out?

I was going to sing! That's right! But what happen after that? Why am I alone?

I see something, what is that? It looks like a speak, a speak of what?! It's getting closer?!

What the?! It's chasing me now?! What is it?! Oh my gosh it just! Noooooooo!

I woke up all sweating and breathing heavily right now. What was that all about!


I looked up and saw everyone there next to me, wait where am I?

"Where am I?"

"Your at the hospital." Said Otoya

"W-what! What happen? Why am I here?"

"Calm down (y/n), if you stress your self too much it's going to damage your body." Said a doctor who entered my room.

"What do you mean?"

"You have Coronary Artery Disease, or CAD. A blockage in the heart blood vessels that reduces blood flow and oxygen to the heart muscle itself. This can cause pain known as angina. It's a symptom of heart disease but typically does not cause permanent damage to the heart. It is, though, a sign that you are a candidate for a heart attack at some point in the future. It may feel like a pressure or squeezing sensation. Angina can be triggered by exercise, excitement, or emotional distress and is relieved by rest." Said a doctor who entered my room.


Everyone looked down and I was just shocked, scared and speechless. How could this happen? Why me, why?

"(Y/n), to be able to prevent a heart attack or the spreading of the pain, you need to rest and not over stress yourself."


"No buts!" Yelled Tokiya

We all looked at him and he was just with his static face. I looked back down and the doctors also added.

"We also saw that you maybe in risk of having diabetes."

"!!!" Everyone was like this.

I can't believe it? Why is this all happening right now? Why? Am I going to die soon? Am I?

"How could we prevent her from getting diabetes?" Asked Natsuki

"You need to limit her food, not a lot of the stuff you usually eat. Not a lot of sweets either, it increases your blood sugar. We would also like you to check your blood with this." He handed me a black bag who he's I opened.

It had a little machine with I guess small needles and something small that we put in the machine.

"This is to check your blood sugar, poke yourself with this needles in any finger and put the drop of blood on this piece of scan paper then put it in this machine and it will scan your blood giving you numbers. If it's over 100 then you have to cut down on things."

"Ok." Was all I could say now

"Do it in the morning and before you eat lunch and dinner."


Everyone was looking at me, I just couldn't believe this.

The doctor left and I was about to break down when Natsuki came to me and hold my hand.

"It's going to be ok (y/n), we are going to get through this."


"He's right (y/n) we are going to get through this." Said Syo who came close to me.

"Yay!" Said Otoya

Tokiya stayed silent and was just standing looking at the ground. Masato was drinking his tea and was nodding his head to the remarks the guys was saying.

"Right princess, I know your strong and your going to get through this." Said Ren which surprised all of us and which made me giggle which let everyone know I was going to be ok.

"Thanks guys, but did the doctor say when I was able to get out of here?"

"Well he said maybe tomorrow, depending one how you feel." Said Natsuki

"Ok then."

They stayed there till visiting hours was over, I don't want to be alone right now. Why is this happening right now?

I'm scared.

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