Chapter 10

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My brother called me saying...

"Guess what I got you!!.."







"WHAT DID YOU get me!!"

"Ohh right...I got you~"


"Tickets to~"


"To Disneyland"


"Ummm...(y/n)...still there"


"Oh no..." Covers ears

"ughhhhhhhh.....YEEEEEESSSSSSSSS!!!" I screamed to the top of my lungs and didn't care if people were looking or not I screamed. Disneyland was the greatest place our parents took us to when we were smaller. I can't believe my brother got me tickets!! I gotta tell the boys...oh wait how many tickets?

"How many tickets did you get me?"

"Ummm let's see.......fiveeeeee....oh no wait....four......,but yours is free so just say your name and that your my sister and they're let you in..."

"K...thanks Daniel your the best!"

"I know~...anyways how's everything?"

"It's good~....."

"You sure?~"




"Ok then...I gotta to you later"

"K bye"


We hung up and I walked back to the cafe and sat down next to Reiji. The boys just looked at me and waited till I spoke...I sighed and looked at them.

"Ummmm...guys my brother called me saying he..." "...that he got me tickets for Disneyland" I looked up and when I did I saw Reiji's face light up, Camus with a surprise look, Ranmura with a really look, and Ai with his usual poker face look.

Then Reiji started to shake me and pour down many questions and suggestions towards how many tickets he got me, what I was going to do with them and when was I going, and other things which I didn't really get. I just typed to answer them as truly as can be.

"My brother got me four tickets which I was thinking on taking you guys with me." I starched the back of my neck as I said the last part.

They just nodded and let me continue...

"And I'm not sure when I'm going to go but you guys are coming right?"

"We got ask saotome before anything" said Camus

"Yay I know but..."

"But if he said yes we will go~" said Reiji in his happy hyper voice and end it with his cute smile.

I nodded and smiled too.

I couldn't believe what just happen today! Today was an unexpected good day for me.

Or so I thought....

Yay this one wasn't as long as I expected it to be...oh well till next...

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