Chapter 27

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"Today is the day I'm determined to learn French. And it's also the day i have all to myself, no distractions and no one to bother me." Let's do this.

Ok phone in hand, papers next to me where I'll write down the words. Let's do this.

"Ok let's see first, foods I'll do foods first. Let's see, French fries. Yummmm fries, I love fries. I want fries now, wait I haven't had anything to eat."

"HEY ANYONE STILL HERE, IM HUNGRY AND I CANT GET OUT OF BED! I FALLEN AND I CANT GET UP!" I yelled just in case someone was still here.

"..." There was just pure silence

"Ugh, ok I'll get up and make something. Let's do this."

I got up and started to head over to the door. I opened it and saw no one. Good. I walked towards the kitchen and saw the pots and pans on the stove and sink.

Damn they had breakfast already, need food.

I started to make a simple egg sandwich, I watched the small pan and got two eggs, one butter piece and orange juice.

I put the pan on the stove and turned the heat on and put butter on the pan and mixed it up. It melted and I turned the heat low and crack my eggs. I scrambled them and turn the heat up and waited till the one side is slightly brown. I flipped it and waited till the other one was brown.

I grab two breads and put mayo, and started to spread the mayo and then turned off the heat and put the egg in between the bread.

I put the sandwich on a plate and started to eat it. Man this is so good.

"Munch munch munch...." I micmic myself as I ate my egg sandwich.

After I was done I put my plate and my cup in the sink and washed it. After that I decided to go to the music room just for fun since I haven't been there in some time.

Walked up the stairs and then back down since I forgot my papers and pencils also my phone for looking up French words.

Opened the door to the music room and began the process of learning French.

"I miss you, Tu me manques which supposedly mean you are missing from me"
That's cool I don't really get another language but I love French.

"I want to visit Paris France. Ok let's see next words or phrases."

Starts to look up different words and their meaning and translations. After an hour or so I feel asleep with all my papers all over the piano and the floor.

Mins later I woke up with the sound of the keys from the piano being pushed on. I looked up and saw Luna walking on the piano keys.

"Salut Luna(sah-loo)."

"Meow~" Luna meowed at me as she crawled towards me.

I sat up and yawned as I grabbed my phone to check the time.

"3:30. 3:30! Barely!" I screamed as I shot up from the seat in front of the piano which scared Luna and she ran away.

I started to pickup my papers that I wrote down the French words. I started to look at them and thought about somethings.

"Let's see this again, bonjour(bohn-zhoor) means good morning. That's easy. Ummmm? Bonne nuit(Bonn-nwee) means good night"

"Merci(mayr-see) means thank you. Please is let's see........oh here it is s'il-te-plaît(seel-t-play)"

"I'm so ready to go to Paris. Awesome. Ok next à bientôt(ah biahn-toh) see you soon."

"Wait I'm learning French, I could write a song in French that'll be cool!"

Pencil, paper, notebook and phone let's do this.

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