Chapter 1: The Dream

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This has been edited from it's original storyline. I've converted it to be an xReader story more to please you all, but also because I think the story will be better.

I awoke suddenly, was that a nightmare? I thought back to my dream and wondered why I had awoken; after all I was only whispering sweet nothings into someone's ear. I couldn't remember his face or anything... I hated this. For the past month or so I had been dreaming about the same person and never been able to remember anything about the man. It seemed so odd that I would dream such things without picking up one detail. I didn't want to go back to sleep so I got up and got ready to record a video. 

I tried to put out two videos every day and for that I was rewarded with my 10 million subscribers. The only problem was when I was editing the video was not me, so instead I made an apology vlog for everyone, "Hey guys! I know normally I post two videos a day... but... well I don't feel myself right now. I keep having this dream and I only remember half of it and it is killing me on the inside because what I want to remember... I just can't. Anyway, I'll try again with two videos tomorrow. I'm sorry, bye bye!" I sat down and uploaded the video immediately people were asking about my dream... maybe I shouldn't have talked about it.

I suddenly got a spam of tweets which I ignored, believing it to be about my video, until I decided to finally look. Hundreds of people were telling me to look at Sky's twitter. So I did and to my surprise Adam said, "To the very successful (YT/N), I was wondering if maybe you would like to join me and my team to record videos." I instantly tweeted out that I accepted the offer and would find a way to meet with him. It was getting to lunch time when I decided to head out. I had no idea what I wanted but something told me that I needed to go to that one Taco Street Vendor that I liked. 

Arriving there and ordering I sat down to eat after which seeing a group of men walking and laughing, with camera's... It took me a minute to realize they were vlogging. I ignored them for the most part, I knew what it was like to be stared at while vlogging. All of a sudden they put down the cameras and ate; thus I finally looked at them... I stared with my mouth gaped open. One of them finally noticed me and pointed me out to his friends, most of whom were kind-of creeped  out until he recognized me. "Hey you're (Y/N) aren't you?" "Yes, I am. And you're Adam." He began to laugh while his friends were still perplexed looking between me and him. Finally, the red-headed one asked "Adam, can you tell us what the hell is going on?" "Oh, right. Sorry, this is (YT/N). I just invited her on twitter to join our offices, and she said yes." They all stared at me... for god knows how long until I stood up and said, "Hi there!" They all snapped into their senses and responded back welcoming me to the group. I got up and sat with them and conversed with Adam about the job. He gave me his phone number and the address to the offices, and told me to be there tomorrow before 10. I nodded before getting up to leave and shortly after I turned around to see them with cameras out again. I laughed at my luck, how strange that I would see them there... It wasn't like they ever filmed themselves going to that place. I would have known.

I woke up again with a jump from my dream; it was the man again except I remembered something... Red Hair... I was so happy that I knew something more about my dream I sat there thinking without any further success. I got ready for the day as usual and then I realized I had somewhere to be. I ran out the door and sprang into my car going as fast as the speed limit would allow me. I pulled up a little before  ten and entered through the door of the stairs. I was out of breath and there was Adam, all he did was smile and chuckle. My anger showing I quickly retorted, "What do you think is so funny?" All Adam could do was walk away signaling for me to follow him while he was still trying to hide his laughter. This only pissed me off more. I wasn't usually angry and I didn't like to be, but when someone f**** with me... eerrgghh! Adam sat down in his chair while I stood and he told me all the rules, the schedule, etc; and then he motioned for someone who was passing by. A blonde man with glasses poked his head in, "ye, boss?" "Show (Y/N) around the office and to her office as well, please." As we walked out of Adam's office the man introduced himself as Ross, and proceeded with the tour. He showed me practically every square inch of the offices and introduced me to everyone. Then finally Ross showed me my office and left me to it. 

I had been told that I would record videos, but I asked Adam if I could also edit because that was a part of the thing I loved doing. I could never just film and not edit, it felt wrong. "Okay, (Y/N) I'll as Max to teach you how to use the program." "Wait which one is Max?" "You'll know." I left perplexed walking towards my office when I heard yelling and the sound of stomping feet. Around the corner came two men one I saw was Ross and the other... I didn't know, he had red-hair. Could this be the Max Adam was talking about? The ginger finally caught up to Ross and tackled him, He yelled at him telling him to take it back. Ross with a very worried expression managed to spit out, "I'm  sorry I made you a mad max." Instantly a smile spread across his face which quickly went away with the man I now knew as Max screamed viciously. "Get out my sight you stupid Narwhal!" Immediately Ross  ran away as quickly as he could, then Max stood up and noticed me standing there. He turned towards me with the face of pure rage which instantly went away. "Oh, it's you... I'm Max by the way." Before I could say anything he turned around and walked to his desk and began editing videos.

Realization - Mithzan Max xReader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now