Chapter 21: There's Two?

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Around Four Months Later {Pregnancy Due Any Day Now} [You skipped four whole months?] {Yeah now deal with it, punk.} [What did you call me?] {Stop it! They want to read not listen to us two bicker.}


I know Adam wanted me to stay home but I couldn't handle the loneliness and boredom I experienced waiting for Max to come home. Adam made a deal with me that I could stay but as soon as I had the baby I had to stay out of work on maternity leave. I agreed because it was better than me waiting for something to happen. I was never one to sit and wait. Max was happy that I was at work but he also didn't want me to stress. The guys at the office are always checking on me. It's quite annoying and Max knows how I feel, so he tells me they do it out of love for me like family. I participated in videos and challenges for Sky along with making stuff for my own channel. I moved in some console games to my office because I also played those on my channel, and I knew people get bored of PC games quickly. My belly was getting quite large more so than normal pregnancies and I was beginning to get worried. "Max?" Every time I called him he thought I went into labor, so he would burst in the door. "Yes?" 

"I think we should get an ultrasound." 

"I thought you didn't want to know the gender." 

"I don't but something isn't normal. I should not be this big, Max." 

"Okay, I'll make an appointment. Don't hurt yourself." It was time to record with the guys, so I got ready for the game.


(Y/N) just wouldn't stop growing. It was, now that I thought of it, a bit abnormally large. I hope nothing is wrong. I couldn't handle that. To know that... I couldn't even begin to think about it. I scheduled an appointment during lunch today that way we could find out as soon as possible. "Max!" 

"What Adam?" I was growling for some unknown reason. "You wanna record with us?" 

"Yeah, I'll hop on." We recorded a mini-game that wasn't too stressful. Adam knew what it felt like to lose a newborn and he didn't want us to experience the same thing. I was thinking about it too much that I didn't even realize that I was crying in the middle of the recording. "Max?" (Y/N)'s character looked adorable looking up at mine. "I'm sorry, I'm okay." 

"Sad Max." 

"ADAM!" I ran to his office ready to beat him up a bit. "No Max, I'm sorry. Don't be Mad Max." He only made me even madder to the point where I had gotten him out of his chair and onto the floor before I left. I made sure to wink at the face cam. I got to my desk and both (Y/N) and Ross were laughing like crazy. Once the recording was done it was lunch time and we had an appointment to get to.


We arrived at the clinic for the ultrasound and I sat down while Max got the details. Max did all the talking for me, he was too overprotective. We finally got into the room and I spoke up, "I don't want to know the baby's gender. I just want to know if something is wrong." 

"Okay let me see here." I shivered as she applied the gel to my stomach. She had the screen pointed away from us, so that if gender became obvious we wouldn't see. I saw Max squirming he really wanted to know the gender. "How much can I tell you about you pregnancy?" 

"Anything and everything except the gender." 

"Well then, you don't have any problem, in fact, you got yourself very healthy babies." It took a while before I realized what she said. Max was wide-eyed as well. "What?" 

"Mrs. Lapras, congratulations you have twins." I cried for joy and Max hugged me semi-tight. I couldn't believe it not one but two babies! We left the clinic very happy. "Max? Are we gonna tell the others?" 

"Yes we should, but we need to do something during a recording or vlog." 

"Just like what I did to you, eh?" 

"Yep, just like me."


(Y/N) and I on the way back to the offices came up with a plan. We weren't sure which video to do it in, but we were gonna do it, today. Adam was holding a camera obviously doing a vlog. We told him we went to the clinic in case we came back late. "Look what we have here. These two just got back from getting an ultrasound. So Max, tell me how did it feel?" Adam cockily played off for the camera. "Adddamm!" I growled. "Mad Max! NO regrets!" Adam yelled as he ran away. I began chasing after him. "Boys stop chasing each other; you are like big kids I have take care of." (Y/N) yelled at us. Adam and I both went to either side of me with the camera pointed at me. "We sure are good practice though!" Adam began. "Yeah Mommy can I have ice cream?" I pushed the joke. "I wouldn't mind you to keep calling me that. Where are the rest of my kids?" (Y/N) joined in on our fun. This was it, we would have everyone else in here. "Hey guys! Mommy wants you!" Adam yelled out. Barney and Ross ran immediately playing their part. This was gonna be one hell of a vlog. "Yes, Mommy?" Both of them asked. "Mommy has to tell you all something. You see my belly? You know how you have all your brothers? Well there are possibly some kids in there." My love told them. "What??? How does that work?" The fake children asked. They were breaking character laughing their heads off. "Boys, this is serious! I'm not having just one!" (Y/N) exclaimed. I finally butted in again. "Wait, Mommy how much are there?" I knew I had the biggest smile. I was proud to be a father. "There's two Maxey." We began kissing him furiously and then Adam, Barney, and Ross started talking to themselves and the camera. They were excited and shocked. 


Max and I broke from the kiss and I let out a gasp and a bit of cry in pain. Everyone stared at me with tilted heads they had no clue of what was happening well except maybe Adam. "Guys don't just stand there my water broke get me to the hospital!" With that they all sprang into action while Max stayed by my side. "I didn't know my kisses were that magical." 

"Max, they are always filled with magic, but this was the first time the babies felt that same love." We both smiled until I gasped in pain as more contractions went off.

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