Chapter 17: The Honeymoon (Day 1)

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I woke up and saw Max staring at me, smiling and twirling my hair, I had almost forgotten we were in another country. "We are in Germany, Babe." My eyes instantly widened and I freaked out I was so happy and excited. I began to give Max a lot of kisses which he gladly accepted. Max told me to get ready. He had a bunch of things planned.

(Y/N) seemed to talk about Germany a few times and she has told me about places she wanted to go and see, but I knew a few romantic places for us. My first plan was a Hot Springs Resort. I knew she would love it. "Hun? We are going to a Hot Springs Resort first!" She knew exactly what that was; she bear-hugged me, "That should be very relaxing." I know I planned the whole trip for her but she would make sure I had fun too. We got ready and headed there. They separated the men from the women so I wouldn't get to see her until the very end. They required us to be naked the entire time so that we could entirely soak in the waters without any 'distractions'. I guess that made sense. I finally got to see (Y/N) again in another hot springs little pool area where women and men could rejoin. I felt so good that I thought if any of the guys tried to make me mad it probably wouldn't work. I cuddled with my love in the water and she was happy and calm.

When we got out of the resort it was lunchtime, so I led Max around for a bit. I was looking for a specific store seeing as how we were in Münich. I had studied German so I knew the language quite well. I kept talking to Max in German which he thought was sexy. I finally found the store and he asked me what the sign said. "Nope, Max this one is a surprise!"

"You know I hate being left out of things."

"I know but you need to at least try the food before I tell you what it is." We headed inside and I made sure to only talk in German which I was complimented on for it being so good. I didn't know everything but I knew a lot. I ordered me and Max the same thing and I dug in. This wasn't actually that bad. I had always wanted to try it and now that I have... this was one of my favorite meats now.

I hated that (Y/N) knew what we were eating and I didn't. "Please just tell me what we are eating." I was begging her she looked at me and a smile came up, "It's Pferdefleisch, Max!"

"In English!" I gave her pleading eyes as the Germans caught on. They understood why she wasn't telling me. I sighed in defeat; I had to eat it first. I took a bite and it was really good but I couldn't shake the feeling I had. "Now will you tell me?" She was laughing and nodded her head "Maxxey don't freak out but Germans love this stuff. It's Horse Meat." I stared at the sausage and shrugged. Why would I freak out, I mean yeah maybe a little just like... oh, horse. But since it was really good I couldn't deny it. "You like it Maxxey?"

"Yeah, it may be horse but this is really freaking good." She smiled at me. I probably would not have tried it if she had told me. She's my smart girl.

We walked around the market buying stuff and I was teaching Max some German. The simple stuff and he was enjoying himself. He would talk back to me a bit in German and I would laugh at his American pronunciation. He was halfway there and I would have to teach him the German alphabet later. That's all someone needed to know to pronounce German. I loved Max dearly for this... I couldn't believe I was in freaking Germany! I had planned to study abroad in college but it didn't work out that way. This was better, to be here the first time with Max. It was approaching dark. I had things planned for tomorrow seeing as how it would be Oktoberfest. Max was probably gonna get a buzz tomorrow. I laughed at the thought "Why are you laughing?" "Oh, no reason you'll just love tomorrow." We headed back into the hotel and cuddled as we watched TV until we got into bed.

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