Chapter 13: Your Birthday

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(Y/N) was discharged from the hospital and I went to her house with her. Come to think of it I was barely at my own house. Since we were already this far in our relationship maybe I should ask to move in with her. "(Y/N)?"


"Do you mind if I move in with you?" Her eyes lit up "Of course you can! Let's grab your stuff!"

"How about tomorrow it is already late."

"Okay, tomorrow then." My mind wandered and I remembered something my plan for (Y/N)'s birthday. God, she's gonna love it.

A Week Later [Why do you like time skips, so much could have happened...] {IDK and IDC :P}

I woke up and realized today was my birthday I was so excited. I couldn't wait. I turned over to wake up Max but he had already gotten up. I went downstairs and found a note:

I had to run an errand. I'll see you at the office. <3 Max.

I got ready for the day and drove to work. When I walked in Max wasn't there and no one said anything to me. I walked to my office with a skype notification, Get Ready to Record. Did no one care about what today was or did they forget. I recorded with the guys until lunch and I thought to eat with Max. I went to ask him but he had already left. I sighed this birthday was not turning out well.

I had gotten all the guys into my office and we were talking about tonight's plans. I had let Max take the whole day off to prepare while we distracted. I looked out the window and saw a disappointed (Y/N) who went back to her office. "Guys, I think I'm gonna go by (Y/N)'s office and see if she is alright."

"Okay but make sure you don't tell her Adam." I went into her office she was crying I had to play it cool, "(Y/N), you seemed off during the recordings and well, you are crying. What's wrong?"

"Oh, Adam it's nothing. I just... I don't know one of those days I guess."

"Okay, I was just making sure." Now I really felt like a jerk it was her birthday after all, but we promised Max not to mention her birthday at all.

I did a solo recording involving me being angry. At least I wouldn't pretend to be sad. It worked like I hoped it would the recording went normally. I was horribly mad because I raged quit. I got a skype call. "Hey, Adam what are we doing?"

"A do not laugh video. Get your jokes ready." I knew I couldn't be happy right now but those things always made me laugh, so I hoped they might mention it in a joke. When no one had yet mentioned my birthday I decided to change my last joke and save the old one. Adam was the one in the middle. I wanted to win but I had to get my revenge. I told everyone to turn around if anyone saw it early it would ruin the joke. So they listened to me. I set up a birthday party and put a sign behind each of them. They said:




That was it each word on a different sign. I hid my character and said in a normal happy voice, "You guys can turn around now!" They turned around and said nothing. They knew and they were guilty now, but then Adam said, "I don't get the joke, (Y/N)." I was furious. I left the game and then the skype call. Max was finally here and he looked like he was about to say something, but I ran past him and got in my car. I had no plans to go anywhere I just drove. I finally decided to go home and there were cars at my house. I opened the door and the lights were off? Hello? I felt my fear slowly taking hold. I turned on the light and what I saw amazed me. Everything was decorated with my favorite colors. A bunch of candles led me up the stairs and stopped at my door. I turned the knob.

I had come to the offices to get (Y/N) early, and she burst out of her office. I wanted to tell her but she ran past me without a word. What did those idiots do? "ADAM, BARNEY, ROSS! WHAT DID YOU DO?????" Adam came out of his office and waved me over I came in. "(Y/N) made a joke during the game and she told us all to turn around she created a birthday party and wrote on signs you forgot something. I said I didn't get the joke." Man I thought I love my girl but when she cares about something she doesn't let it go. "Okay, get everyone to come to the house. We still have to finish a little bit more." We packed up and finished the decorations then got into our hiding spot: the bedroom. We waited for I didn't know how long until I thought she would never come back. The guys comforted me while I cried. Then I heard a car pull up. We waited and she finally opened the door, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY (Y/N)!" I ran to her and gave her a hug. I felt her tears on my shoulder. "I'm sorry (Y/N), I wanted to surprise you."

"Well I'm definitely surprised Max."

My birthday was amazing the guys and some of my and their friends all hung out with me and we had a huge dinner party. Then Max took me to my room and apparently that was the signal to get the fuck out. He sat me on my bed and told me to close my eyes. When he came back I knew he was in front of me. "Open your eyes." Max was kneeling on the floor in front of me with a small box. "(Y/N) make me your man forever, Will you marry me?" I stared at him and began to cry happy tears just as his face showed his concern I blurted out, "Yes! Yes, Max I will marry you!" I was so happy and he put the ring on my finger. He kissed me into the night and it slowly became really heated. I was happy and was glad that this day ended just like this.

Realization - Mithzan Max xReader FanficDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora