Chapter 15: The Wedding (Part 1)

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I stared up into the sky and looked around. This... this is where I wanted the wedding. Outside with the lake it was beautiful. I would have to organize all the preparations and Max would sit back, but I didn't mind because I wanted it to be perfect for both of us. I sighed... In the end it didn't matter, I would be with the man I love. I headed up back to my car and got ready to go to the dress store. Alesa and I think Jess said they were gonna come with to help. I couldn't wait!

The girls were gonna go get (Y/N)'s dress I wasn't allowed to see it, but man I really wanted to just see my girl in that white dress. She gave me hardly any jobs to do for the wedding: I had to pick my suit and then the matching sets for my best man and the groomsmen. I also had to write something that would take some time and a lot of heart, the wedding vows. I had ideas of what I wanted to say, but I knew she would love them no matter what.

I had tried on what seemed like hundreds of dresses, I didn't like any of them yet. Max texted me that he got all the suits. Men have it so easy. I had two more dresses and then I would give up on this store. I tried on the first of the last two; I didn't even bother showing it off because I looked horribly fat in it. The last one... I put it on and it did fit almost perfectly I put the straps on my shoulders, and ties the lace around my waist. I looked in the mirror, the dress flowed behind me as if it was turning into a cloud and it showed off the curves of my body. I was falling in love with this each second that passed. I forgot all about the girls until Jess, being impatient as ever yelled for me. I came out and did a twirl.

"OMG! (Y/N) that is totally the one!" Jess excitedly squealed.

Alesa agreed with her, "It's perfect on you."

"I love it too! Miss? Can we get this one?" I was so happy I finally had found my dress, but unlike Max I couldn't send him a picture. I wanted to see the look on his face when he saw me. 

Time Skip to Wedding Day [Really?] {Well, what did you want me to do discuss boring wedding arrangements?} [No, I guess not]

I was so nervous, (Y/N) absolutely refused to show me her dress and then everyone in my family and hers was going to be there. We never had our families meet because they live so far away, but it would be fine we loved each other. I was hoping everything went smoothly. Finally, the time came I got to my position and the music started. (Y/N) walked in with her father and then I finally saw the dress. I t was gorgeous I gave her the biggest grin ever she was given away to me by her father and she whispered to me, "You like the dress, don't you?"

"Yeah, I think you should wear it again after this day." The wedding started, "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the joining of two glorious live. (First/Name) (Last/Name) and Max Lapras (I know that's not his real last name but we'll pretend) We finally got to the exchange of vows and I was ready.

"(Y/N), since the day we first met I fell in love with you. I didn't know it then that I was destined to fall in love and eventually marry you." She gave me that beautiful smile, "I promise to always be there for you no matter what happens, I will be your guardian angel and the one who comforts you during hardships. I will stand by your every decision and follow you to the ends of the Earth. Forever I devote my love and my life to you from this day forward."

She looked ready to cry but I knew she wouldn't.

I felt everything that Max said throughout my entire being. God I loved this man so much.

"Max, when I met you I didn't know then that you were literally the man who stole my dreams every night. I spent so much time looking for you and when I finally did have the realization that is was you; I knew to never, ever let you go." God dammit I was blushing like crazy, "I vow to care for you always whenever you falter, and I will never stop believing what you say or do. What I possess in the World I give to you as I give my love. From the bottom of my heart I bind my life to yours." 

He stared into my eyes lovingly; I wanted to kiss him so bad right now. We gave each other the rings and then the preacher would finally say those binding words.

"Do you (F/N) (L/N), take this man forever and ever to protect and love until death do you part?"

"I do."

"Do you Max Lapras, take this woman forever and ever to protect and love until death do you part?"

"I do."

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Max scooped (Y/N) into his arms and bent her backwards and gave her the most pure of kisses. The kiss made even the heavens rejoice the marriage and sing out their names in praise. Max lifted Y/N) back up and picked her up bridal style. They walked away from the shimmering lake towards the car while people threw rice at us. Max set (Y/N) down for her to throw the flowers; they flew magnificently threw the air. One dominant hand caught it with enthusiasm: Ross. Everyone laughed that he caught instead of a girl; he just smiled and was happy. Everyone wanted to know who he was planning on marrying. Then (Y/N) climbed into the car with Max following to drive to the party after the wedding.

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