Chapter 20: Moving In

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We arrived home after the long plane trip. I realized I should probably move in with (Y/N). "Babe, tomorrow or something... I think I'm going to grab my stuff and move in with you."

"Perfect, just make sure you don't hog all my stuff." She said with a laugh. "Nope I'll even grab Ross and Tim to help move in." We were both laughing. I knew after a couple more days we would have to go back to work, and I wanted to try recording with her as much as possible. She would eventually have to go on maternity leave and that just made me feel upset that I would be stuck at work with her home. She had vlogged a bit on our Honeymoon for her subscribers, but she only did it for a few minutes and talked about everything that happened. She could never leave her fans hanging she would record at home. I knew her way too damn well. 


I could not stop thinking about the baby. I wanted to see its' face already and love it with Max. I was already 5 months along I was getting pretty big and soon Adam would eventually make me stay home out of work. I would freak out. I mean I could probably vlog or record at home. Maybe. It would be solo games though and my fans loved that I collaborated with Sky Media. They would understand. I love my fan base almost as much as Max. I never really get hate from them mainly love which is rare for a channel my size. Whatever. "Maxey?" 


"Come cuddle with me in bed! How are you not tired?" 

"I am tired I was just unpacking a bit." 

"Well get over here you ginger!" 

"I could say the same to you." 

"I wouldn't get out of bed though." 

"I know." He lay down next to me and pulled me into his arms. I put my head on his chest and began falling asleep. I woke up suddenly I felt like I had a nightmare, but if I did I couldn't remember it at all. Max was there looking adorable next to me. I kissed him on the forehead and got up to get ready. Max did eventually get himself out of bed. If he would have slept any longer I would have woke him up. "Max, when do you want to get your stuff?" 

"Later today, right now I want to relax." It was already lunchtime, we were gonna have to fight our jet lag. We sat on the couch watching any movie we thought was good. I got a text from one of the guys.

Adam: Did you enjoy yourself?

You: Yes Adam... I had a lot of fun. I bet you were having a blast sitting in an office all day working.

Adam: Way to shove it in.

You: Can I go back to cuddling with Max now?

Adam: Go be lazy but soon you are gonna have to work. >:D

You: TTYL Adam, say hi to the guys for us.


I was enjoying myself and so was (Y/N), god was I tired. (Y/N) was more awake than I, much more. She was taking care of me like I was sick or something. "Maxey, we need to get your stuff." 


"Come on get in the car." We drove to my place that I shared with the guys and we began packing up my stuff when they walked in.

"Hey, what's up Max?" Ross asked aloud.

"I'm moving in with (Y/N)." Max answered for himself. Ross looked like he processed what was said before responding, "Oh, okay well don't forget about us."

"I won't" Max promised. Tim laughed then sighed out, "Finally one less person to clutter up the place."

"Shut up Tim." Max said in light spirit. (Y/N) then walked in and yelled out surprised, "Hey guys!" Tim and Ross both shouted hey back to me. They went off to their rooms while we finished packing the last bit. "Max how awake do you feel?" 

"Like any other day." 

"Grab your car, you're driving it to our house." 

"Aww... I won't get to spend time with you." 

"Hurry up and you don't have to wait as long." I got into my car and rolled down the window to the cold air so I would make sure I stayed awake. It felt like hours later but we got all my stuff set up in our house. I collapsed onto the couch and (Y/N) cuddled in next to me. "Babe, we need to go to bed." 

"I'm okay with that. I feel like I might pass out soon." 


I didn't feel entirely too tired but I knew if I didn't force myself back into my normal sleep schedule I would be screwed when we finally go back to work. I sighed and Max held me tighter, not too tight, he just squeezed my torso. Nothing could make my life more perfect. "Max, I love you sweetie." 

"I love you too baby."

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