Chapter 10: Forgive and Forget

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All I wanted to do was make (Y/N) happy again. I tried my best but she was just depressed; I had taken her out on dates, surprised her with gifts, even tried with office shenanigans. Nothing seemed to work Ross had stolen my girl's happiness. I walked into her office knowing she faked her happiness through the videos and as soon we were done she would leave the call without a word. Everyone felt it we all knew (Y/N) was hit hard by this. Her and Ross before were best friends they always hanged out and had fun... I decided to sit down in the corner with (Y/N)'s giant stuffed animal I got her and cried myself to sleep.

I got back from lunch which I didn't enjoy too much and went straight for my office; I didn't want to talk to anyone. I quickly popped down in my chair and began singing; a lullaby to hopefully calm myself. It has been sort of helping me pretend to be happy. I play songs in my
headphones during each recording trying not to cry or give up. I stopped singing and turned the chair when I had done a 180 degree turn I saw Max cuddling with the stuffy he got me and his eyes were red from crying. I had no bed or furniture in my room so I cuddled up next to Max and fell asleep next to him.

I hadn't seen Max in forever and (Y/N) wasn't interacting with anyone. Shit I needed her for a
recording. I didn't enjoy it because I know everything she did was fake that's why I haven't done any do not laughs it wouldn't be right at all. I knocked on her door and heard no response; after checking to make sure the recording light was off I opened the door. Max and (Y/N) were cuddled up next to each other with a giant animal. I could leave them alone for now, before I left I locked the door so they couldn't get out maybe Max could talk some sense into her without her trying to walk away.

I woke up and saw that I was cuddling with (Y/N). She must have found me and decided to sleep next to me. She was adorable. I wish she wasn't so distraught it killed me on the inside. She stirred and opened her eyes. "babe..."

"Max" and then she kissed me, the first passionate kiss since Ross tried to kill himself. We melted into each other we were both crying and it didn't matter we both needed this so bad. I was letting her be the dominant one and she smiled, I felt it while she was kissing me, and this only made me cry even more. "(Y/N)..." I said between kisses, "Please... I want... you to... be happy." She pulled away looked into my eyes
and said, "Max I am happy and I love you."

OMG My first ever time skip. God I'm soo embarrassed. Anyway, A Week Later...

I looked up from my desk to see (Y/N) standing beside me she gave me a kiss and sat down next to me. Ross was back in the offices yesterday was his first day, and through a vlog we explained everything. Ross was glad to be back but something was still bothering him, he wasn't the same he was less social. It scared me because I didn't want Ross to try and kill himself again. I'm sure everyone else felt the same way. I went to (Y/Nl's house for tonight because she invited me and I was happy to accept.

We got to my house and I made Max and me some dinner: Mac and Cheese, of course, Max's favorite. I cuddled next to him on the couch while we ate and watched some movies. Once I yawned, Max picked me up and carried me to my bedroom and we both got into our sleepwear and slept in bed together. We cuddled and he whispered in my ear how much he loved me I knew it was all true and I faced him and kissed him. We began making out and Max was kissing me all over making me giggle. He found a spot on my neck and abused it. I said his name and I was enjoying what he was doing. He knew he had me but I didn't want to go any further than this.
Max started to do more and I couldn't take it, "Max..." he looked into my eyes with concern, "No. Not yet." He understood but kept kissing me. When we finally stop my neck was a little sore but I was fine with it they were a sign of his love. He draped his arm around me filling me with warmth and I fell quickly asleep.

Realization - Mithzan Max xReader FanficOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora