Chapter 18: The Honeymoon (Day 2)

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Today was Oktoberfest I was going to make sure that Max enjoyed his day. He has always made sure I'm happy. Now it's my turn. I pulled Max all the way to the subway which took us there. "Hey babe, where are we going?"

"Don't worry you'll love it." We walked out and he saw the poster announcing the event he just turned to me and grinned. "Told ya." I ran into the place with Max chasing me. He caught up and lifted me holding me over his shoulder. "Max put me down!"

"Nein Mein Schatz." (No my love)

"Maxey, I taught you that." I was pouting hardcore and he was laughing at my defeat. "Max..."


"How about you put me down?"

"Why would I want to do that?" Urrghhh, as much as I loved this man he was frustrating.

I loved making (Y/N) annoyed she looked so cute with her pouty face. I just get her where she was no matter how much she begged. Of course I had to when we got to one of the beer tents. We ordered so much food and drinks. The food was delicious. (Y/N) kept telling me the names of the dishes with that sexy German accent. But don't get me started on the beer... my god that stuff was the finest I had ever tasted. (Y/N) taught me how to order in German and I did my best, of course she helped me out though. She told me to tip very kindly and so I did man those women knew how to be waitresses. The amount of things they could hold in one hand. Unbelievable.

I laughed at Max he was getting a buzz I could tell. He was definitely enjoying himself. "So Max, you ready for the carnival rides?"

"The what?"

"You know like during a fair or an amusement park." His face was absolutely priceless "Hell no! I'm gonna get sick."

"But it will be fun!"

"Fine, I'll just throw up on you." I giggled I knew Max would probably do that so I had us walk around the stores and mini-shows. I dragged Max over to the Floh und Maus Zirkus telling him the names. "What does that mean?"

"Flea and Mouse Circus. It is actually pretty cool." He agreed and that is what we did all day walk around and before it closed up for tonight we went on the giant Ferris wheel. "Max, I love you."

"I love you too." We began to kiss as the wheel took us on our trip we finished just as we reached the very top. Looking around us the entire event was pretty. On the ground it wasn't as pleasant. I leaned my head on Max's shoulder until the ride was over.

We got off the train now only being a few minutes from our hotel. (Y/N) was tired like crazy. I picked her up bridal style and carried her to our room. She hadn't drank anything because of the baby, but she did eat like a pig. I laid her down on the bed changing her to her pajama's. I kissed her goodnight and then I rubbed her stomach and kissed it. We were a family, a family that I loved to the ends of the Earth and throughout the entire universe. I knew I would probably wake up with a slight hangover, but nothing I couldn't handle. "(Y/N), I will make sure to always be there for you. I'll never let you go."

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