Chapter 11: Mad Max or Glad Max?

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I had slipped myself out of Max's grip on me and went to take a shower. I heard noise outside and figured it was Max. The door opened and I peeked out from behind the curtain. "What is it Max?" He stood there with a mischievous look in his eyes "Max?"

"Sorry... I was just thinking about what was past that curtain, your beautiful self." I blushed and my face was fully red. Then he walked closer kissed me and asked, "Can I come in?" I wasn't sure about this I didn't want it to be too crazy between with us, not yet. "Sure, but there's one exception."

"Sure. What is it name it and I will do as you command." He bowed and I giggled "No funny business, kay?"

"That's it? I thought you were gonna be like stay on your side and I'll stay on mine."

"Nope, now get in here already." Max stepped in and gave me kisses and helped me wash my back, but he did as I said: No funny business.

I was glad (Y/N) let me shower with her, I understood that she wasn't all that comfortable or ready yet. While she got dressed I made her breakfast. She came out looking fine as ever, she was so perfect. We got ready for another day of work and headed out. We got to the offices and everyone was running around. I thought to myself now what are these morons doing? "Hey! What's going on?" They all stopped and looked at me for no more than ten seconds then continued. I was annoyed beyond belief and tackled one of the guys. "I won't let you up until you tell me what is happening!" Adam looked up at me and was laughing, laughing! In my face... that made me furious. I went to punch him and he flinched but (Y/N) stopped my arm.

"Sorry Max, we just got excited."

"What did you get excited about then?" He was really starting to look pissed off if I pressed any further I'm sure (Y/N) wouldn't be able to stop him. "Max, you don't remember, I'm hurt."

"Adam! I swear to god if you don't tell me now..."

"Okay, okay... it's my birthday Max, I thought you knew."

"The F*** Adam!"


"You made me wait and you know I hate surprises and it's not even worth it!"

"Are you mad Max?"

"ADAM!" I started running away as fast as I could shouting back to him, "Not on my birthday Max!"

I smiled and laughed at Max and Adam. They are both such dorks and one of them was mine. Max caught up to Adam I just smiled and asked the others what about Adam's birthday made them run around. Barney quickly explained, "Oh... we got Adam a bunch of sweets and he's pretending to be hyper after one piece so when he gave us some we did the same."

"Can I get some of that Barney?"

"What you gonna do?"

"Annoy the hell out of Max." A smile creeping on my face, Barney nodded and smiled as well. When Adam was with us again I told him what we were going to do to Max.

I sat down at my desk and began to edit, I decided to start with one of (Y/N)'s videos I loved what she did. Then right when I had finished I turned around and saw everyone staring at me. "What do you want?" They all shoved a piece of candy in their mouths and then started doing the running around like crazy thing like they had when I walked in except this time (Y/N) joined them. I shook my head and turned back around. I felt an arm grab mine and I was going to retaliate when I realized it was (Y/N). She made me run around with her and then we both fell onto the floor laughing. The guys were staring at us when Adam said, "Get a room!"

"Okay we will." I picked up (Y/N) and started walking towards her office. "Wait... what?"

"You want us to get a room, Adam? Then we will get a room." (Y/N) smiled at me and I smiled back. I closed the blinds and closed the door. I could still see their faces filled with shock that we actually just did that. I kissed (Y/N) but that was all I planned to do.

Max began to give me kisses and I kissed him back. This time I fought for dominance it wasn't
like last time when I just let him. No this time I wanted that power over him. I flipped him onto his back and he looked up at me surprised, but I kept kissing him. He finally gave up the fight and accepted my desires. This time I got to abuse his neck's sweet spot; I giggled he was trying so hard not to moan or say anything. He was definitely enjoying this.

I didn't know what to think Max and (Y/N) just went into her office to make out. I felt awful again, it had been a while since... I went to my office to work. Ten minutes later I had forgotten about what Max and (Y/N) were doing and went to grab food from the kitchen. As I passed by I heard (Y/N) giggling and movement. I wasn't sure what they were doing, but I knew whatever it was I wished it could have been me. I went back to my office with a skype request from Adam. I accepted and began to record. At least it takes my mind off of things.

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