Chapter 3: A Secret

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I wanted to make sure (Y/N) wasn't editing all of her videos so I entered her office and halfway to her desk when I noticed her sleeping. I wanted to wake her but then I didn't. I felt something... no! Stop Max, you don't think these things now wake her up! Just before I shook her awake I heard a single sound which startled me. It was coming from (Y/N) but I wasn't sure what at first. I came closer to her and heard her say one syllable, "Maaa...." That was it I wasn't sure what was happening but this was impossible. I walked out as quickly as I could pretending nothing happened at all.

I woke up again finding myself in the office instead of my room, looking at the time I bolted awake. Damn it was late. I had already recorded my videos a long time ago and I had sent the editors all my recordings other than the one I was working on. I quickly finished it up and put it on private video when uploading it when I saw that all the other videos were ready as well, and my two videos had been publicized. It was nice to not have to worry about that, I wouldn't normally fall asleep like that. I got up out of my seat with my mind wondering when a detail came to me, Freckles! The man in my dream had freckles! I was so happy for sleeping because now I knew more it still made me wonder why it has been this long and I only know this much.

I got home from work and headed to my room. I had to think about what happened, I wasn't exactly sure... It couldn't have happened there is no way (Y/N) said my name in her sleep! I was imagining it, she never even said the X in my name. It still bothered me I knew I couldn't push this aside, and why was I watching her sleep? Why did I have to force myself to bring me to wake her up? I was just so confused...

I have really enjoyed myself this week and so have my fans they love that I partnered with Sky and the gang. I wanted to jump up and start dancing! I got a message from Sky telling me about another minecraft recording he said it was with him, Ross, Barney, and Max. I was startled, Max? Max had never really been in any of my videos, he barely even talked to me. He pretty much stopped believing I existed after the first day. Everyone else always talked to me... I need to let go of this grudge it's just a game. I joined the skype call and loaded the minecraft server and was told I had a few minutes to prepare jokes for Sky's Do Not Laugh series. I looked through and figured out everything that would guarantee I win! I smiled with glee it should be easy for me not to laugh at their jokes I was like steel.

"Ready everyone? Okay. 3... 2... 1... What's up recruits today I'm here with another Do Not Laugh!" After a while into the game it was (Y/N)'s turn to make Ross laugh, I couldn't wait to see what she had planned. "Okay." She said, "Now Ross, can I ask you one question?"
"I'm not stopping you." he said with confidence.  Her voice was suddenly higher and angrier as she transformed into a chipmunk saying, "Do you know who stole my nuts? They're mine see? No one can have them but me see?" Ross burst out laughing as did I, Barney, and Max. I quickly asked, "Why? Why were you like the mafia or something?" Still using her high-pitch voice, "So it was you who took my nuts, eh? Well I'll teach you a lesson!"

Everyone was laughing at my joke and I felt amazing. I got the point easily, and was instructed into the middle while Max told me to face the score board. After what seemed a good couple of minutes he said turn around! I looked and saw Max on top of a giant throne, but it was a toilet. I was grinning like an idiot and Max fake slipped into the bowl after he had said I'm the king of the World! Then there was a flushing sound in my ear and Max gurgling. I burst out laughing especially since I noticed a sign that said Porcelain Throne. I couldn't stop laughing until they had almost deconstructed the toilet. "Oh, Max you deserve that point" I said as I put a toilet on his scoreboard. Everyone started laughing again. Maybe Max wasn't as bad as he seemed...

It was finally the lunch break and I sat back from pleasure. It was fun to collab, why hadn't I done it before? Seeing as I was not hungry I took the opportunity to sleep, if only for a little while.

I headed to (Y/N)'s office after she won the Do Not Laugh, I wanted to congratulate her especially on her jokes. She was really good at this. I walked in to find her sitting in a ball, at first I thought something was wrong and I got closer finding she was asleep. I t was lunch time after all, maybe she wasn't hungry. I went to leave for lunch just as the others already had when I heard (Y/N) yelp. wait, yelp? I spun around and she was in different position she was sleep-walking? Sort-of... I watched her as she moved around in her office still completely asleep she just kept pacing. She finally sat down in a crying position in the corner and was sobbing and she was still sleeping!? I was so unsure of what to do I decided to leave her alone so I left her door at a crack and started to walk away when I heard a deafening scream. I opened the door and found (Y/N) panting and awake.

I had just woken up from one of my normal dreams and saw Ross with his face showing concern standing in my doorway. "Sup?" I casually said. "Did you just really? I mean.. you just screamed for god's sake!" I nervously rubbed the back of my neck, "uuhhh... yeah I keep having these weird nightmare-dreams." His eyes were saucers at this point. "Is that why you were crying?" Crying? I didn't remember that. "What else did I do?" He looked up in thought, "You mainly walked around as if you were waiting for someone." "hmmm...." I saw Ross giving me that what look and so I told him, "It is the same dream every time for the past few months. All I remember is whispering things into a man's ear that I can't remember much about." Ross's eyes searched for further explanation "I only know that he has freckles, red hair, and brown eyes." A bunch of noise entered the building the others were back. "We'll talk more about this later." I only nodded as he walked away.

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