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the next morning started just like the day before, and the day after that almost the same. it was friday when michael's mom stopped him abruptly in the kitchen with a bright, proud smile painted across her lips.

"michael! wait, sweetheart, don't leave yet." she called after him, and he turned around to see her eyes shining proudly at him, a perfect match with her beautiful smile.

"mom, i don't want to be late to school. besides, mrs. brown said that we're getting a new student today. a boy. what if he's the one?" michael pleaded with his eyes. he couldn't miss out on meeting the exchange student from america as soon as possible. "can't it wait until after school?"

"no, baby, after school we have a meeting with your guidance counselor. this discussion affects that one. michael, you've been accepted into four colleges, two of which are in the states, and i need to you to consider those options throughout the day before we talk to the guidance counselor about your options officially—"

"mom!" michael's eyes widened as he shook his head side to side, not liking this at all. "mom, i don't want to go to college! i'm eighteen now, i get to decide for myself!"

"michael," his mom's eyes softened, and she placed a sympathetic hand on michael's shoulder. "i don't want you to go to college for me, i want you to go for you. college is where i met your father. besides, what if your soulmate is in america? the fact that you got accepted into ohio state university is a great excuse to go to america to find them."

michael thought about what his mother had just said. it wasn't a bad idea.

"and besides," his mother frowned. "i don't mean to be a debby-downer, but if you don't find your soulmate soon, you're going to need to be able to get a job that pays more than minimum wage. i hope i raised you well enough to know that."

"yes, mum," michael rolled his eyes before giving her a hug. "text me the names of the colleges and i'll think about it at school."

"i will," she smiled and shooed him off. "good luck with the new boy! i love you!"

"love you too!" michael yelled back, and he sped walked the whole way to school. it was only a five minute walk if michael went as fast as he could and hit all the crosswalks at the right time, so he ended up getting into his classroom a solid six minutes before the late bell rang.

"good morning, michael," mrs. brown, michael's first period english and homeroom teacher, smiled at him from behind her small glassed and big, cluttered, wooden desk. no one else ever made it to class as early as michael did.

"good morning, mrs. brown!" michael smiled at her as he sat down in his usual spot. second row, third chair from the left. "excited for the weekend?"

"extremely," she chuckled. "my husband is taking me out to eat tonight. do you have any plans for the weekend, michael?"

michael laughed out loud. "oh, only the usual, ma'am."

"sleeping and eating and the occasional video game?" mrs. brown chuckled along with michael. "why don't you go hang out with calum? you two are friends, correct?" mrs. brown inquired, and a few students were starting to traipse into the classroom as it got down to the final minutes before class would start.

"we are friends," michael sighed. "it's just now he's found his soulmate he's all that he wants to talk about and hang out with all the time."

"aw," mrs. brown nodded, "i get it. i felt the same way when my two best friends in high school suddenly became an item and started ignoring me. it'll get better michael, i promise."

for some reason, michael really believed her when she said that. that was the moment that michael decided that he wanted to go to ohio state. he was gonna do it.

the late bell rang, and a knock was heard at the classroom door.
the short-statured principal came across the threshold with her thick arm awkwardly wrapped around a tall boy, and i looked at him. goddamn, he was hot as fuck.

"ladies and gentlemen, this is alex gaskarth. he's come here to sydney to finish off his senior year. make sure to make him feel nice, warm, and welcome."

raise your hand if you thought it was gonna be luke
*raises my own hand even though im writing the story wtf**
but guys, im really excited for this, and im sorry that im updating so much, but the chapters are really short so idec

you should recommend this story to a muke shipper (;

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