Chapter 2 - The Figure

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   When I returned home very early in the morning after hunting, I couldn't get that figure out of my mind. I knew it was a person, with out a doubt. But the question was, who? I thought he could be a vampire, it is quite possible. Any human could never move that fast. Impossible. Anyways, I would have to forget about this for now. It is time for school, my first day at Forks High School. I was a little nervous. Will anyone notice my odd colored eyes, or will they think it is cool? Who knows, humans can be a bit dumb at times so hopefully it will go unnoticed.

    I walked downstairs to the living room and grabbed my coat, I didn't need it, but I needed to blend in. I walked out the door and started heading for school. Running in the rain is one of my favorite things about Forks, it is exhilarating.

   When I arrived at Forks High School the parking lot was already filled. I was glad not to be the first person there, I would look weird just standing in the parking lot with no car. I walked into the first building which was clearly labeled FRONT OFFICE. I went in to receive my papers. There was a woman sitting at the desk, she looked up at me.

   "Can I help you?"

   "I'm Isabella Swan." I informed her. She probably already knew this, my dad probably let the whole town know. Seems like something he would do.

   "Of course." She said and then dug through papers.

   "I have your schedule right here, dear." She said to me. She then proceeded to highlight the best routes to each class, and tell me who my teachers were. I kindly thanked her, and then left the office.

   When I got out of the office I then walked to my first class, and saw him. I knew it was the figure. With out a doubt! He had the same scent, and since I could see him so clearly with my new eyes, I knew exactly what he was. He is a vampire. He looked at me with his topaz eyes. He was also like me, living on animal blood. It felt nice to finally know that someone like me lived in this small town. He is breathtakingly handsome, and he looks like he isn't a bad vampire. After wall, what would a bad vampire be doing in Forks High School?

   Mr. Mason, the teacher, assigned me to sit next to him. I'll admit, I was nervous. So I sat down without saying a word. I didn't want to say the wrong thing. He was making me nervous the way he looked at me. He looked shocked, that I would be here. Just as I was shocked that he was here. I turned to face him, since class hadn't officially started yet, I decided to talk to him.

   "Hello." I said to him kindly. I studied his face, he looked puzzled.

   "Hello, I am Edward Cullen. It is nice to meet you, Bella." He said to me, I was shocked how his voice melted me like honey. He seemed like a kind gentleman.

   "About yesterday-" I was about to say until the bell had interrupted me.

   "Later, we'll talk." He said and he flashed a crooked smile, that was so beautiful. Then class had officially begun.

    I didn't have to pay attention, education doesn't really matter for me anymore. I can study day and night and never have to sleep, so I decided that I'd just try my best on tests and see how it works out. I might even ditch some days, it wouldn't matter. I already know basically this whole years work.

   After class ended, Edward signaled me to follow him. I got up, a little too quickly, and followed him. We walked outside and then made our way to the cafeteria building. We sat down at an empty table, away from others.

    "So, Bella, you are like me." He said, it wasn't a question. He knew it.

    "Yes." I replied.

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