Chapter 4 - The Meadow

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   "Edward!" I squeeled, my voice full of excitement, "I'm so glad you came!" I expressed towards him with absolute joy. Edward chuckled. I was being too loud, hopefully Charlie didn't hear us. Edward would tell me if he did though, so I wasn't worried.

   "I figured you wouldn't be busy tonight," He started, "So what would you like to do?" He asked me as I took a seat next to him on my bed.

   "Hmm I'm not sure." I confessed. I wondered what he had in mind for tonight. I knew what I had in mind, but I also knew that would never happen. At least, not yet.

   "Hmm." He mused, "We could go somewhere, once Charlie is asleep." He suggested grinning. I grinned back.

   "Where did you have in mind?" I asked, curiousity was taking over. Too bad I couldn't read minds. However, I guess it is cool he can't read mine, he would think I'm insane.

  "It's a surprise." He grinned, he just loved surprises. I laughed.

  "Of course it is." I uttered under my breath, he chuckled at my response.

  "Shall we leave now?" He asked.

  I nodded and then he took my hand. We slid out of my bedroom window as fast as we could, because it made less noise. When we were outside I started to hear Charlie snore from his bedroom, so that was good. Now he won't check on me.

  I looked around for Edward's car, it wasn't there. It surprised me.

  "Where is your car?" I asked him.

  "We don't need it, it's nighttime, nobody will notice us where we're going." He answered.

  I then followed him towards the forest. Why the forest? I wondered what he had in mind for tonight, I was nervous and excited at the same exact time.

  "I can run faster," He stated, "Would you like to climb on my back and we can run to the destination?" He asked politely.

   I climbed on his back and put my arms around him. "Show off." I muttered under my breath. He chuckled. He knew I was joking.

  Then we were off. I swore he could run so much faster than me, but he insisted that it wasn't by much, just enough to outrun me.

  Once we arrived I climbed down off of his back, and stared. I was amazed, in awe, and breathless at what I saw. It was a beautiful meadow, with flowers all over, and trees at the limits of it. It was beautiful.

  "Amazing." I commented, "Edward, how did you find this place?" I asked him, still in awe of the beauty that surrounded us.

  He shrugged, "I like to explore at night," He revealed, "This has been one of my favorite spots ever since we moved here." I could definitely understand why it was one of his favorite spots, it was beautiful.

  I smiled at him and wrapped my arms around his neck, he put his around my waist.

  "I love this place." I whispered in his ear. He smiled, "Me too." He agreed. I wanted so badly to just kiss him, but why was I so nervous and hesitant? I don't know, maybe it's because of how much I do like him.

  "To hell with it." I muttered to myself and then I kissed him, it wasn't just a peck on the cheek or a quick smooch. I really kissed him this time. His lips moved along with mine, getitng faster. We obviously didn't have to stop to catch our breath, which I found very useful.

   He stopped, and smiled his crooked smile, "Bella.." He murmured in my ear, which would have caused me to turn bright red if I was still human.

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