Chapter 18 - Bloodbath

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   Edward and I took Renesmee and Masen to Carlisle so they can be weighed and measure as usual. They have grown since yesterday, each weighs three more pounds and 2 inches taller. Carlisle told us to research half-mortals to see if it is normal just in case. Edward and I walked to the study in the house, while Alice, Esme, and Rose watched over them. I went on one computer, while Edward went on the other and we looked up several different things. Half-mortals, vampire children, etc. None of them were really what we were looking for so we gave up after a couple hours of hard work. I sighed when I shut the computer off and crossed my arms.

   "I'm worried about them, Edward." I told him in a small voice.

    He sighed, "I am too, love," He scoot his rolling computer chair towards me and kissed me, "But for all we know they will stop aging at some point and freeze when they are at young adulthood. Let's just hope for the best." He reassured me with a smile.

   I wish it was that easy, but let's face it. I worry way too much, and now that I have to worry about my own children, it makes it worse. My own creations, my babies, my perfect babies. And it is unknown if I will be able to spend much time with them since they're aging daily.

   I felt my throat burn, I was thirsty. I haven't hunted in a couple weeks, which isn't usual for me. Neither has Edward. He could tell by my facial expression of discomfort that I was thirsty.

   "Ready to hunt?" He asked me as he stood up out of the computer chair and pushed it back to the desk.

   I nodded, "Yes." And then I followed him out the window, it's faster that way. We starting running through the forest, dodging trees and laughing at each other when pretending to almost hit one. We jumped over the river, and ran past the cottage. We try to hunt far away from here, and far away from humans, just in case.

   When we reached a spot close to the border into Canada we realized it was a good place, since we ran it only took about twenty minutes or less to get there. We were both in hunting mode now, and we let our instincts take over us. I smelled the air, which smelled strongly of pine, and other forestry smells. Then in the distance my eyes saw a mountain lion. I crouched into the position and stalked it until I got close enough. Then I pounced on it when it was least expecting it, after snapping it's next I sunk my teeth into it's next and began to drink it's delicous blood. Edward tells me that human blood is far more satisfying, but it isn't worth it to be a monster. And I agree with him, I'd rather not know what it tastes like so I can stick to my 'vegetarian' diet. After we finished our hunt, I had hunted three mountain lions and one deer. Edward got four mountain lions and one deer, so he got the most. But it didn't matter, our thirst is quenched. For now.

  We returned to the house a couple hours later, it wasn't dark yet but it was near sunset. I saw Renesmee walking through the windows, and she helped Masen up, he started walking too. They are progressing so fast in their development, and it is sort of sad to watch their childhood fly by.

  "Hi Masen!" I greeted my beloved son with a smile as I lifted him up into my arms.

  "I learned to walk to day, Mommy." He told me proud of himself.

  "You did? That's great!" I encouraged him and he giggled, an enchanting giggle. So precious.

  I set him down after giving him a kiss and then lifted Renesmee, her curls bounced as I picked her up, I tucked them behind her ear.

  "Mommy, I learned to walk too!" She included herself in the accomplishment. I smiled at her.

  "That's great, sweetie, I'm so proud of both of you!" I congratulated them both once more and set her down after I kissed her cheek. She giggled and ran to Edward.

Bella's TwilightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora