Chapter 17 - Family

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    I looked all around the house and I finally found Rosalie, she was sitting on the corner of her bed in her room, Emmett wasn't with her which was weird. She had noticed I entered, and glared at me. I cringed.

   "Rosalie, I want to talk." I said nervously, she turned her back to me.

   "Why don't you just go spend time with your perfect children and perfect husband." She snapped mocking me.

   I sighed, "I'm being serious, I don't know why you hate me so much." I lied, I knew. Edward had told me, I just want her to say it herself.

   She laughed rudely, "How can you possibly be that ignorant?"

   I crossed my arms. "Rosalie, please. You are making this harder than it has to be, just talk to me. I begged, she is making this difficult.

   She laughed again, same tone, "If you must know, I'm jealous okay! You have the perfect life. You have beautiful twins, and you still have the possibility of having more if you want! Not all of us have that option anymore. Yeah, I regret it. But I had no idea it was possible!" She said louder now, still angry with me. I sighed, this isn't going anywhere.

   "It's not my fault, I'm not the one who has jealousy issues." I defended myself. She still had her back to me.

   "Listen." She said calmer now. "Why don't you just leave me alone, I'll pretend I absolutely adore you in front of Edward, and I think positive things around him. Just go." She said putting her hands over her face now, she is embarrassed. I sat next to her, despite her wish for me to leave her.

   "Rosalie. Please talk to me." I begged her to open up more. She sighed.

   "Bella, I don't want to hate you," She admitted, "But you making so hard! You have the perfect life, and I know, Emmett is perfect in my eyes, but I wish I could be like you and be able to have children! I would consider that a gift. I've wanted to have my own children for so long, and grandchildren. You have that option, I don't anymore. And I wish I could go back in time and change that. But I can't.

   "Rose, I'm sorry." I apologized sympathetically, "I had no idea. But think of it this way, at least you have a niece and a nephew that you love, and they sure love you back, right?"

   She nodded. It was weird to see Rosalie like this, she is usually angry and glaring at me, but now she's just sad.

   She sighed again, "Thank you, Bella. I'm sorry for acting so rude to you, and I know you'll probably never forgive me." She apologized.

   "Of course I can forgive you," I started smiling, "You're my soon to be sister-in-law, how could I not?"

   She laughed, this time in a nice way, "I promise to act nicer, once again I'm sorry for how horrible I was. I just hope you can understand."

   "I understand, and don't worry. It's over." I grinned at her, she grinned back, a weird thing to see from her, but a good thing. We walked out of her and Emmett's room and made our way to the living room.

   Edward was smiling when he saw us together, he obviously knew we are good now, he was listening most likely. He was playing with Renesmee and Masen on the floor, and they were giggling together. Rose and I laughed at the sight, of how perfect this is.

   Emmett walked in now, "Hey Bella, nice hair." He said jokingly as he messed it up with his hand, he laughed and I laughed back at him.

   "I'm stronger than you, you know that right?" I challenged him with a grin. He stopped and looked at me.

   "Is that a challenge?" He asked as he flexed is muscles, he's ripped. Edward chuckled in the background.

    I nodded. Carlisle, Esme, Jasper, and Alice walked in now to see what was going on.

   "What's going on?" Esme asked laughing at Emmett's expression.

   "Little sis here just challenged me." He laughed, "Arm wrestling?"

   "Sure." I agreed. We went outside and found a huge rock, and set it down to arm wrestle on. Everyone was watching, even Renesmee and Masen. They were both giggling.

   I set my arm down, and then he did.

   "Ready, set, go!" Jasper started the match and we started, I was losing at first but then, I slammed his arm down and the rock broke in half. Renesmee and Masen were clapping and giggling as I kicked the rock a few more times to break it completely.

   "Wow Em, She isn't even a newborn anymore and she still kicked your butt." Edward laughed at him jokingly, and Emmett laughed back.

   "Ha, ha. I want a rematch someday." Emmett said seriously, but laughing.

   "Your on." I replied smiling, someday. I walked over to Renesmee and Masen and picked both of them up in my arms and kissed them on their soft baby cheeks. They laughed and Renesmee touched my face, showing me pictures of Emmett and I arm wrestling. I laughed at Emmetts defeated look on his face joking around, and laughed along with me. It feels great to spend time with my family, they are the most wonderful family anyone could ask for.

   After spending the remaining hours of daylight with my family, Edward and I decided to head back to the cottage to lay Renesmee and Masen down so they can sleep, they have had a long day. After Edward and I kissed them both goodnight, we made our way to the cozy living room and I made the fire in the fireplace. Even though I don't need warmth, it feels nice to stare at the flames. It's calming. I scanned the well stocked bookshelf for a good read, and found Wuthering Heights, which is one of my favorites, and I sat down and cuddled with Edward as I read it. I have already read this book about ten times, or more, but it never gets old to me.

   "Reading that again?" Edward noticed, during my pregnancy in the times I wasn't sleeping I'd read it, and he noticed that it was my favorite.

   "It's a classic." I replied defending the book.

   He started humming my lullaby, I haven't heard that in awhile. I smiled as he hummed it, and I continued to read the book. But now since I am a vampire, I read faster too I guess, so I finished the whole thing by morning.

   In the morning, we heard Renesmee and Masen giggling, and Edward and I knew that it was time to get them, as we walked in there I gasped and Edward chuckled, they were standing in their cribs, by their selves.

   "Edward, they are standing!" I said even though it was obvious, they are growing so fast.

   "Hi Mommy and Daddy." Renesmee said with a giggle.

   "Yeah hi Mommy and Daddy." Masen joined in with his own giggle. Edward and I were astonished, they are talking too?

   "Hi sweethearts." I replied with a grin, even though I was completely surprised that they could speak. I kissed them both on the cheek. I think it is time to take them to Carlisle to measure them again because I swear they are at least both two inches taller, and Renesmee's curls are down to her shoulders now, just yesterday they were a little below her ear. I really hope that them aging so fast isn't a bad thing...


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