Chapter 12 - Renée's Reaction

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   Edward and I are currently on our flight to visit Renée, not only to see her, but also to tell her the big news. I am still not completely sure of her reaction, will she be angry, disappointed, supportive? I have a feeling her reaction may be close to Charlie's, but she might be more disappointed at first. I do believe however that after telling her everything she'll start to be more supportive. She is a good person, and a great mother. She'll understand eventually.

   "How much longer until we get there?" I asked Edward, even though I should probably know. I've been too busy thinking about what will happen.

   "About five more minutes, love," Edward smiled his dazzling smile, "Are you still nervous?"

   I shrugged, "A little." I admitted sheepishly, "But I have a feeling once she meets you and gets to know you she'll be supportive."

  "I am looking forward to meeting your mother," Edward began, "She brought a lovely and extraordinary person into this world that I am madly in love with." He grinned, I grinned back at him.

   When we left the airport, we first picked up a rental car, and then started our drive to my mother's house. She has no idea that we are coming, and she has no idea about Edward. So it'll be a complete surprise to her. I plan to introduce Edward first and let them talk for awhile and then after catching up with her I'll let her know the news about my pregnancy. And just to be sure, before we left I took a pregnancy test, and it was positive, we just wanted to be one hundred percent certain I am pregnant before we tell her.

   "We are here." Edward announced as we pulled into her driveway, I gave him the address.

  "Wow, we really are." I murmured nervously, Edward held my hand.

  "Be brave." Edward said to me as he kissed me. I smiled, I can do this. I have Edward to support me, it won't be that bad. It's just my Mom, it's not like she is going to disown me because of this. We walked up to the door and Edward rang the doorbell. I took deep breaths, even though I didn't need it, it felt necessary.

  "Who is it?" I heard her say as she walked to the door and opened it. I could tell she couldn't believe her eyes, Edward and I were smiling, holding hands. Her hands flew to her mouth.

   "Oh my gosh Bella!" She squeaked, "I missed you so much I cannot believe your here! I have a million questions for you!" She threw her arms around me and hugged me tight.

   I laughed, "Hi, Mom. I missed you too."

  Her eyes flickered to Edward, "And who is this?" She asked still smiling and happy.

  "I'm Edward Cullen," He introduced himself, "I'm Bella's boyfriend." He informed her with a smile and then shook her hand.

  "Well, this is a surprise." She said, smiling still. I could tell this is going well, for now. "It is nice to meet you, Edward."

   "I didn't know you had a boyfriend, Bella. Why didn't you tell me?" She asked.

   I shrugged, "I guess I didn't know how to tell you, and I wanted you to meet him in person." I grinned at her, she grinned back.

   "Well why don't you two come inside, and we'll talk and catch up." She smiled as she motioned us to come inside. She led us to the living room and Edward and I sat down together on the love seat. Renée sat down on the armchair and crossed her legs. She looked the same ever since I left her, she still looked happy, but sort of lonely now. Same short hair, same smile, same laugh. I was glad to see that she was okay living alone. She did have a boyfriend named Phil, but that relationship didn't work out.

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