Chapter 13 - Double Trouble

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    "So how did it go with your mother?" Charlie asked me, I just returned from the trip ten minutes ago.

   "It was really nice," I said smiling as I remembered, "And she is very fond of Edward." I added. She really did like Edward, before I left she told me how charming, sweet and loving he is.

   "I figured she'd like him." Charlie laughed, "But how was her reaction to you being pregnant?" He asked.

   "Well, she guessed before I could tell her. I was beyond shocked that she had guessed it, she said she could read the expression on my face and that I looked really nervous." I explained to Charlie, he looked surprised.

   "Wow, well she's smart." Charlie commented, in disbelief that she guessed it so easily. She could read my facial expressions perfectly ever since I was born. She is good at that type of thing.

   "Yeah, she caught on to a lot of things pretty quickly." I responded, "Well I have to call Edward, Carlisle is going to check up on the baby to see if everything is alright." I said to him as I walked upstairs into my room. Of course I wasn't going to call him, he was already waiting for me in my room.

   When I walked in, I immediately shut the door.

   "Ready?" Edward asked me smiling, I grinned at him.

   "I'm ready, let's go to Carlisle." I replied as we jumped out my window.

   It took about 5 minutes for us to dart across town to get to Edward's house, and Carlisle had a spare room set up like a hospital setting, a screen to see the ultrasound and everything. I was waiting there, lying down with my back propped up slightly on a seat to be examined by Carlisle. He assured me that everything would be like a regular hospital, just in a different place.

   Edward was standing next to me and holding my hand when Carlisle walked in.

   "It is nice to see you, Bella." He smiled, he lifted my shirt up exposing my belly to put cream on it so he could do the ultrasound. As he did the ultrasound Edward's eyes flickered to the screen, and so did mine. And there it was, our precious child. It was the most beautiful thing I have ever layed my eyes on, and it looked so fragile. I could see Edward's smile glow, his beautiful smile. He looked so happy, just like I was.

   "Is it a boy or a girl?" I asked Carlisle.

   He smiled, "A boy and a girl." He answered.

   My mouth hung open and I looked at the screen again, four feet, four hands, twins! I am having twins!

   "Oh my gosh, this is amazing!" I exclaimed as Edward hugged me awkwardly as I was lying down still. He smiled.

   "Are you sure they are a boy and a girl?" I asked him, even though I was pretty sure Carlisle was right, he is an excellent doctor he would know.

   "Positive." He grinned, "Congratulations you two, I'll go tell the others." He said as he left the room.

   When Carlisle was out of the room I was still staring at my son and daughter on the screen, I could tell that they were growing fast. I am only three weeks pregnant and it already looks as if I am five months. These babies are coming fast, and I couldn't be happier.

   "This is amazing, love." Edward smiled at me, squeezing my hand.

   "I know, and they're all ours. Can you believe it?" I am still in disbelief how perfect everything is going.

   "I can't wait to meet my son and daughter." Edward said to me, kissing my forehead.

   "Well, atleast both of my names I chose will work." I laughed, he chuckled.

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