Chapter 15 - Tying The Knot

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   Edward, Renesmee, Masen, and I are on our way to my house to see Charlie and Renée for the first time since I've given birth. I feel much stronger now since I am completely a vampire again, and it feels great to have my two little miracles with me. Seeing Edward with them makes me smile every time because I see how great of a father he is. Renesmee and Masen are almost a week old and they look as if they are at least one month old, and they act even older, it is starting to concern me that they are growing so fast.

  "We're here." Edward announced, Renesmee and Masen were in their baby carriers in the backseat, and I was in the passenger seat with Edward.

   I swiftly got out and picked up Renesmee, and Edward picked up Masen. We grabbed their blankets just in case they get cold, and so we can hold them without them being cold either.

   We rang the doorbell and Charlie answered, Renée was inside sitting on the couch.

   "It's great to see you Bells!" Charlie exclaimed, "You too, Edward." He smiled at him, Edward smiled back.

   "And it's nice to see you Charlie." He replied grinning.

   "Well come on in, I want to meet my grandchildren." He invited us in, I took a seat on the other couch with Renesmee wrapped in my arms, her soft short reddish brown curls and brown eyes looked so perfect every time I laid my eyes on her. Masen had Edward's old eye color, green, and the same hair color, even though they didn't have much hair yet. Edward sat down with Masen right next to me.

   "Oh Bella!" I heard Renée say from the other couch, "I am so happy to see you healthy, Charlie said you weren't doing well when you were pregnant." She said happy to see me, "Can I see them, what are their names?" She asked us.

   "Her name is Renesmee, a mix of Renée and Esme, which is Edward's mother's name. Her middle name is Carlie, a mix of Charlie and Carlisle, which is Edward's father's name." I explained.

   "And his name is Masen Anthony, Edward's old last name was Masen and his middle name is Anthony." I told her.

  "How adorable!" She said looking at both of them.

  "She's got your eyes old eye color, Bella." Charlie noticed, and I grinned.

  "Edward, did your eyes used to be green?" Charlie asked Edward, he nodded.

  "Yes, a long time ago when I was human." He replied. It felt good to talk about vampires with them, but weird at the same time.

  "Well then, Masen has your eyes. They are beautiful." Renée commented smiling.

  "Do you want to hold Renesmee, Dad?" I asked him, and he nodded.

  He came over and lifted her gingerly and gently out of my arms, his facial expression was priceless. He looked so happy, and greatful for his two grandchildren.

   "She's so soft." Charlie commented, Renesmee laughed, which shocked him. Then she lifted her hand and touched his face, showing her pictures most likely. He looked even more shocked now, but in a good way.

  "What did she just do?" Charlie asked astonished.

  Edward and I laughed, "I'll explain later, Dad." I told him. Edward walked over to Renée and set Masen gently in her lap, she moved her arms to support his head and smiled.

   "His eyes are so beautiful." Renée said commenting on Masen's mesmerizing green eyes, which came from Edward.

   "Hi little one!" She giggled towards Masen, he smiled at her. Too bad Edward can't read his thoughts, my little shield, it would be interesting to know what he is thinking.

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