Chapter 11 - Unexpected Meeting

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   "Edward, I feel like it isn't right to tell her something this big over the phone." I said to him in a worried voice. I'm still really worried about Renée's reaction to this news. She always would warn me about when I get a boyfriend, to take things slow, and not to rush into things. Edward and I aren't really rushing into things, we truly love and care for each other so much, however she may think we are.

   "Don't worry, love," Edward said to me as he wrapped me in his arms, "Even if you don't want to tell her over the phone, we could always fly out to Phoenix and tell her."

   "Do you think we could?" I asked him, wondering if he was being serious about taking a plane there and telling her in person.

   "Of course we could. And I'm sure Charlie would approve, he's actually been thinking about asking you if you would like to visit her." He informed me.

   "When should we get the plane tickets and leave?"

   "Whenever you are ready." He replied with a crooked smile, that still dazzled me even though I was so used to it by now.

   "I'm going to go and ask Charlie what he thinks about us flying out to see her tomorrow. The sooner the better." I told Edward as I walked down the stairs into the living room. Charlie was sitting on the couch, watching sports. The usual.

   "Hey, Dad?" I said trying to get his attention off of the TV.

   "Oh, hey Bells. Sorry I didn't see you there," he turned off the TV, "What do you need?"

   "Well, do you think it would be okay if Edward and I flew out to see my Mom tomorrow?" I asked him, even though I knew his answer would be positive since Edward told me Charlie wanted me to visit her anyways.

   He looked happy about this, "Sure. I'm sure your mother would love it, and it would be a good opportunity to tell her about... Well, you know." Of course I knew, it was the biggest thing that had ever happened to me in my life, besides when I became a vampire.

   "Yeah that's half the reason I wanted to go there, it would be weird telling her over the phone."

   "By the way, Bella." Charlie began, in a different tone, "Did you even tell your mother about Edward?" Charlie asked curiously.

   Oh shoot, I don't think I ever did. "Uh, no, I don't even think I've talked to her since I've been here." I admitted sadly, "I totally forgot to tell her." I sighed, now this will be even harder for her to support us.

   Charlie sighed with me, "It's okay, Bells. Maybe after a few days of being with you two and seeing you together she'll realize you really love him." He reassured me.

   "Wow, Dad. I'm kinda shocked how supportive you are of us." I said impressed.

   He blushed, "Well, Edward's a good guy. And I can tell you guys are good for each other." He admitted, complimenting us. It felt nice to know that Charlie liked Edward so much, hopefully Renée will like him too. I can't imagine anyone not liking Edward.

   "Oh yeah, and kind of off topic, but, my old friend Billy Black is coming over for dinner tonight, with Jacob Black, his son. You remember him, right?" Charlie said to me smiling, he was obviously excited about this.

   "Yeah, I remember him. We used to play with each other when we were little."

   "Tonight might be a good time for you two to catch up, become good friends again." Charlie was still smiling.

   "Yeah, he was a good friend." I remembered smiling, we would always play around while Charlie and Billy would watch sports. I always got to see him when I vacationed here in the summer.

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