Chapter 16 - Cottage

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   Once Edward and I approached the house holding hands Alice was waiting outside happier than ever, which obviously meant that she knew Edward had just proposed. When we got close to her she was had a huge smile on her face.

   "Congratulations you two!" She squealed happily as she gave me a huge hug, and then Edward.

   "I've been making sure Renesmee and Masen have been sleeping well ever since you left." She added with a smile. I'm glad she's been spending time with them, she is their Aunt after all.

   I smiled at her, "Thanks Alice." I thanked her as I hugged her again.

   "No problem, and hey since you two are getting married..." She started with a smile.

   "I want you to plan the wedding." I interrupted, knowing that is what she wanted, she squealed out of happiness, and Edward and I chuckled.

   "Oh thank you so much, Bella! You won't be disappointed!" She said as she skipped back into the house. Edward looked at me with his dazzling smile.

   "That was very nice of you." He said to me as he kissed me on the cheek, I grinned.

   "I think she'll do a fantastic job." I replied with a smile, then we walked inside the house to see Alice telling everybody about the wedding. We laughed, and everybody congratulated us. Except, for Rosalie. It didn't surprise me that she wasn't there, she has been against Edward and I being together since day one and I don't expect her to change anytime soon. Although, she has been spending a lot of time with Renesmee and Masen, so maybe she will? Alice told me she loves spending time with them, so I'm just glad she is nice to them, why wouldn't she be nice to babies?

   I walked into the nursery where Renesmee and Masen are sleeping with Edward. We were silent, and careful not to wake them, they need rest. They are growing very fast too, I wouldn't be surprised if they both can walk in a month or two.

  "They are growing so fast." I murmured to Edward as we shut the door silently and tiptoed into the living room. Alice was waiting there with Esme, Carlisle, Jasper, and Emmett. Rosalie wasn't here. Again.

  "We have a surprise for you, Bella." She said smiling as she threw me keys, I caught them easily and looked at them, they looked like house keys. I gasped.

  "You didn't." I said shocked, smiling gratefully though.

  "We did." She corrected grinning. "We all decorated it to Esme's style and it looks beautiful, now if you'll follow me." She motioned Edward and I to follow and we did. Esme smiled at me happily.

  "You'll love it." Esme smiled warmly at me as I walked by, I smiled back. Esme is such a wonderful person.

  We walked outside, holding hands, following Alice in the dark forest. I could see perfectly though, with my advanced eyes. We jumped over the river and then finally we saw it. I gasped and put my hands to my mouth.

  The house, well cottage suits it better, is absolutely perfect. It looks like something out of a fairytale, and even though it isn't huge I can tell it is big enough for Edward, Renesmee, Masen and I. The wall is made of stone, and there is a cobblestone path with flowers around it leading to the door.

   "Oh my gosh, Alice I love it!" I exclaimed as I threw my arms around her, she laughed, and Edward did too.

  "I'll leave you two to check out the inside." She said as she made her way back to the house, it took less than a minute to get here from the main house, so that was good.

  "Edward, it is beautiful." I told him as I kissed him.

  "I know, Esme and Alice designed it. They knew you would love it." He replied with a smile as we walked inside our cottage. The living room was spacious, but not huge, it had a fireplace, with a bookshelf, and a nice couch in the middle. There was a flower pot next to the entrance, and I thought that was a nice touch. Next, we walked into the nursery, it was definitely big enough to have Renesmee and Masen sleep here, even when they are grown. There are two cribs, and two twin sized beds, which they will probably use soon. The floor was a white carpet, and the cribs were white lace, Masen's bed however was baseball themed for a little boy. Renesmee's had fairies on it, which I'm sure she'd love in the future. They also had a small bookshelf packed with nighttime stories, and small chapter books for when they can read.

  "It's perfect." I commented in a whisper as we left their room, next was the kitchen, it was small and old fashioned, which I liked. And then our room. It was absolutely gorgeous, a white bed, looked as if it was themed for a beach house, and a walk-in closet on the other side of the nice room. There was a window right behind the bed, with white lace privacy curtains, even though we were in the forest and nobody would see.

  "Vampires don't sleep...." I whispered as I put my hand on the soft sheets of the white, king sized bed.

  "It's not intended for sleep.." He murmured back as he kissed my neck. I knew what he was getting at, and then we hopped on the bed, with eachother, together...

  "Well I guess it's time to go get Renesmee and Masen and show them the house." I said sighing as I got off of the bed, Edward fixed the sheets. I walked into the closet and gasped. Yup, Alice definitely did this. There was a side for me, and a side for Edward, with a bench in the middle, and on the other wall a shoe rack of some designer shoes, and some casual, mostly designer. I looked around for the most casual thing I could find, which took awhile. I finally decided on a grey sweater with jeans, and soft brown shoes.

  "You look beautiful." Edward told me as I looked at myself in the mirror.

  I smiled at him. "Thank you, as always." I laughed, he always calls me beautiful.

  "Okay, love. Let's go wake them up." He said after we were both ready.

  I grinned and we ran back to the main house, Renesmee and Masen were crawling on the floor! Already? And I missed it.

  "They just started doing it today." Esme told us as our faces probably looked very shocked. Rosalie was there laughing at them and helping them crawl. Rosalie  then saw us and her smile faded to a glare.

  "I'll just be going." She spit out still glaring as her heels clicked angrily along the wooden floor. I cringed, how could she hate me so much? This is getting ridiculous.

  "Hi Renesmee, hi Masen!" I said to them picking them up and kissing them. They both giggled. I decided to ignore Rosalie and spend time with my children. Renesmee's short curls bounced as she was bouncing in my lap, she is so energetic and fun. Same with Masen, although his hair is short and straight so his hair doesn't bounce as much.

  Carlisle walked in now, smiling at his grandchildren, and then he looked at Edward. He looked concerned, what is it? I wish I could read minds right now.

  "What is it, Carlisle?" I asked him curiously.

  "I've been measuring and weighing Renesmee and Masen lately." He began. "Their growth rate is increasing every day. It shouldn't be a problem since their half-mortals, we just have to keep an eye of them and teach them as much as you can." Carlisle explained to me, okay that isn't that bad. I was worried it was something big like they won't live that long or something horrible like that. I sighed of relief.

  "Okay, we'll be sure to spend all of our time we can with them." I promised Carlisle, even if he didn't request it, I'd still spend all of my time with our children, and so would Edward.

    He walked out of the room, and I continued to bounce Renesmee and Edward had Masen now, bouncing him in his lap.

   "Why does Rosalie hate me?" I asked Edward out of nowhere. He sighed.

   "She's jealous of you." He revealed, and I was shocked. The beautiful blonde Rosalie was jealous? Of me? Why?

   "Why?" I asked in shock.

   "She is jealous that you were able to have a family, and she thinks she deserves it more than you." He told me. "She wants to be able to have a family like us with Emmett, and she wishes she would have sooner. She envies you, love."

    Wow. Rosalie, envies me, still a shock.

  "I wish she didn't have to act so mean around me though, it makes me nervous." I told him sadly.

  "I'll talk to her," Edward promised, "Don't worry, I'll make sure she is friendly."

  I doubt Rosalie would listen, she doesn't seem like the do what I'm told kind of girl. I just wish she didn't have to be so mean about being jealous, I'm kind to her. And at least she has a niece and nephew to be with, right?

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