Chapter 3 - The Cullens

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   Edward was speeding down the wet, slippery streets at about eighty miles per hour. I didn't mind, I actually enjoyed it. I can't stand slow cars, and it seems like Edward couldn't either.

   "So, Bella, I've noticed your different than other vampires I've met." He said to me with an expression I couldn't read what it meant.

   "How so?" I asked him. He looked surprised, like I didn't know how I was 'different' than the others.

    "Well, you seem quite controlled when around humans. Like their scent doesn't even bother you, or make you thirsty." He replied, "It seems like you've been a vampire for centuries, to have that kind of control. It is fascinating to watch you interact with humans so casually."

   I was surprised, I didn't realize I was so much different than others of my kind. But then again, I've never even met anyone like us besides Edward and his family. And the vampire who attacked and turned me...

   "Gee, I didn't really think I was much different." I said finally, a few seconds off.

   Edward chuckled, "You are very different. In a special way." He said to me kindly. 

   I smiled at him. "Thanks." I said to him, "If you don't mind me by asking, when were you turned?" I asked.

  He hesitated, but then he relaxed, "It was the year of 1918 in Chicago, Illinois when the Spanish Influenza epidemic hit. I was seventeen years old, and dying of the influenza. Carlisle, my adoptive father, was our doctor. My mother, Elizabeth, begged Carlisle to save me right before she died. Carlisle had already been planning on creating a friend, and he thought since I was dying, turning me wouldn't be as bad. He doesn't like the idea of turning anyone unless they are dying. He changed me then, and I've stayed with him almost ever since."

   I was shocked Edward trusted me so much, afterall we just met. And he is already telling me basically his whole story.

  "Wow, I am surprised you trust me so much already to tell me this. I'm glad you did." I said to him, he smiled back.

  "Bella, if you don't mind me by asking, how and when were you turned?" He asked me, he was genuinely curious.

  I sighed, this was sort of depressing for me to talk about. "I have only been like this for a few months now," I confessed, "I was hiking in a forest, and I was pretty reckless. I knew the area had a bad reputation, but I went anyway. It wasn't a smart move on my part. When I was about to leave the area, I was attacked by a man, I knew he wasn't human. His mouth was already drenched in blood when he got to me. He didn't even take my blood, he just bit me and darted out of the area. I was lying there, on the forest floor for three days. I literally thought I was in hell. Either that or I was dying. Once I woke, in my new form, I knew something was off. My eyes were red, so before I returned to my mother, who was worried sick, I decided to hunt. My instincts were telling me to. I didn't hunt humans, because I thought it was disgusting to do such a thing. After hunting I returned home. My mother insisted I was just sick, but when I showed her what I could do, she realized I was right. Only she and my father knows." I told him everything.

   He looked at me. He looked sorry for me, and concerned.

   "Bella, I am so sorry. That was probably very terrifying to have to go through that alone." He said with eyes full of empathy, he was being very sympathetic.

   "It's alright," I said to him forcing a smile, "Atleast my eyes are this color now instead of crimson red," I laughed, he chimed in.

   I noticed now that we arrived at our destination, it only took a few minutes. I was surprised. I knew where we were though. It was his house. The Cullen house. I could smell them from inside of the car. 

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