Chapter 5 - Telling Charlie

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   "It is getting close to the time school lets out." I announced disappointed. We had to get back before Charlie suspects something is up, after all he didn't know I spent my day with Edward in our meadow instead of going to school.

   "Don't be disappointed, love." Edward reassured me, "The meadow isn't going anywhere, we can come back whenever we'd like." He told me this as he kissed me. I smiled back at him. He's right, we have eternity to come back here, and spend time with each other. It just seems too perfect of a moment to leave right now.

   I stood up, after lying down with Edward for hours, He stood up too. Edward put his arm around me and we walked, a little faster than human speed, out of our meadow. I could tell that we wanted to stay just as much as I did, if not more. I am so glad I got to see this place, it is the most beautiful place I've ever seen.

   "Bella, about Charlie." Edward started, "I think we should tell him about us."

   I was surprised, tell Charlie? This soon? What was I supposed to say? 'Oh hey Dad, I have a vampire boyfriend he's like me and we're kind of in love.'

   "What would I say?" I finally asked aloud. He chuckled.

  "You could just introduce me, as your boyfriend, we don't have to go into any details."

  "But I think using the word boyfriend to describe you is an understatement." I complained, he laughed again.

   "Please, for me?" He begged with pleading eyes. Oh shoot, I couldn't say no. Of course, he knew his eyes, and voice melted me like honey. He was using that as an advantage.

   "Oh alright." I gave in. He smiled my favorite, crooked smile. And I couldn't help but grin at that.

  "And don't worry Bella, he won't find out anything more than we want him to, we can just say I drove you home from school." He suggested, "Let's run to my house first, to pick up my car." I nodded, if Charlie didn't see a car he'd be suspicious. Well not really, because he knew I could run from school faster. But he'd be suspicious if Edward was there with me, and there was no car. I climbed on Edward's back again, since he was faster, and we were off to his house. We made it there in about one minute, and then we got in his car.

   "Damn." I muttered under my breath.

   "What is it, Bella?"

   "Don't you think Charlie will notice if I come home with no book bag? We're screwed." I stated finally, he'll know I ditched.

   Edward smiled, "You mean this?" He lifted up my book bag from the back seat.

   "How did you get that?" I asked stunned, he was truly incredible.

  "I stole it from your room right before we left, I knew I'd steal you for the day." He winked and chuckled at my shocked expression. I leaned over and kissed him. And then he started to drive.



   We arrived to my house in a few minutes, I was a nervous wreck about telling Charlie and Edward was acting like we were going inside to bake cookies. I was jealous of his ability to be so calm.

   I opened the door and yelled, "Dad! Could you come here for a sec?"

   Charlie ran down the stairs, "Hey Bells, welcome back from school," He welcomed me at first not noticing Edward, "Who's this?"

   Okay now I'm not just nervous, I'm terrified.

   "I'm Edward Cullen," Edward introduced himself shaking my father's hand, "It is a pleasure to meet you Mr. Swan." He was being perfectly polite, as he always is.

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