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I still remember the kiss.

It was beautiful. Everything was beautiful.

Just him.



"Cassie, you got to let it go. It was a freaking kiss. Chill!" Jackson sighed, playing with her hair. 

"I know, but he's just so perfect!" 


"Okay, fine."

I stared at my homework, the math problem staring right back at me. 

I hate you math.


It was a snowy night, the snow, a blanket for the earth. The cold covering our bodies, making us shiver. It was that type of winter.

"Where were you? I waited for two whole hours!"

"I-I'm sorry. My parents couldn't-"

"I don't care about your crappy excuses. I'm done. Done with you."

"Fine, I didn't like you anyway. You were too bossy, too ignorant."

"Well to hell with that!"

I had cried the whole day. For that idiot. 


"Um, Cassie?" Hugo was staring at me with those eyes of his. I rubbed my eyes and sighed.

"Sorry, I'm just distracted lately."

"Should I go?"

Such a gentleman.

"No, no. It's okay. Let's finish." I had forgotten that Jackson left and I met with Hugo. My mind was full of memories that I wanted to forget. Hidden deep inside the back of my brain.

I held his hand and walked to the park. It was cold but warm enough to go outside.

"Cassie?" We  sat on the bench located near the exit.


"I just wanted to say.. I like you." I glanced at him and saw him blush. 

"I do, too," I confessed, feeling my face heat up.

There was an awkward silence for about 5 minutes before I said something.



"Why do you make me feel like I've known you before? Like in another life."

"Because we were married before."


"No, silly."

He laughed.

I loved that laugh.

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