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Hugo liked it. No, he loved it. You could tell by the look on his face, his actions. The rest of the day, he was hugging, kissing, something different than usual.

"Hugo? Did you like it?"

"I loved it, Cassie. Especially the polaroid with us in it, making weird faces."

"I'm glad you loved it."

Hugo gave me another gift in return for our anniversary. And I thought the book + necklace was it.

It was a basket full of candy plus three books. I almost screamed my head off when I saw it. How did he afford all that?

I thanked him and we had a calm day, reading inside while the rain poured. 

I love the sound of rain. It bounces off the windows and makes that plop plop sound. Sure, it may sound a bit sad, but it was relaxing.

Before you knew it, I was asleep.


"Honey! It's dinner!" yelled someone, downstairs. It seemed unfamiliar but then again familiar. I opened my eyes and saw that I was still in Hugo's. 

Was that his mom?

I saw a shadow near the door and I clenched up, frozen. "Hugo?" I whispered, my voice hoarse. 

"Cassie, I would like if you met my parents... If that's okay with you?"

"Right now?"

"Well, maybe after you changed and add a little poof to your hair."

I looked at the mirror next to the bed and gasped. My hair was a mess.

"Okay, give me a sec."

Hugo handed me a pair of clothes, a brush, and my phone. "To call you parents."


"Hello? Mom? I'm staying over at Hannah's house," I lied, hoping that I wouldn't get caught.

"Sure, honey.. That'll be okay. Just be safe." I sighed in relief and went outside the bathroom, my clothes changed and my hair done.

Hugo was outside the room, waiting for me near the stairs. "Shall we?" He said, linking arms with me.

After a breath of anxiety, I nodded.

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