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After Colin left, Hugo came in. Looking back, he said, "Who's that?"

"Some kid. Calls himself Colin."


I look at Hugo's face and try to see if he's okay or noticed. 

Seems okay. For now. 

"So, whatcha drawing?" 

"Oh, uh, nothing." I quickly realize that my Hugo drawing is still out. I blush and feel my hands cover up the drawing as Hugo's eyes brush across my moleskin.

"Doesn't look like nothing to me," I hear him say as I quickly close my moleskin and throw it in my backpack. 

Not a good idea. He grabs my moleskin and playfully teases me as he tries to open it. I scream but laugh at the same time.

There are a lot of drawings.

Of him.


After my "alone" break is done, I headed back outside where the garden was. We had a garden at our school where we could hang out but only if you really needed to. There was a bunch of colorful trees and plants and everything seems perfect.

I sat down against a tree branch, it's leaves and branches tickling me as I walked through. I open up my moleskin and stare at it.

This should be the perfect place to get inspiration.

Why isn't it coming?


I ended up sleeping.

How smart of me, right?

I was found by Colin. Again. 

WHY ARE YOU FOLLOWING ME EVERYWHERE, COLIN? I mentally shouted to him as he held out his hand.

I thought he was pissed at me for having a boyfriend.


I hesitated and looked around.

No one.

"How did you find me?" I asked, staring into his black, black eyes. He shrugged and said nothing, his hand still out.

I take it and stand up, facing him.

"Seriously, how did you find me?" I asked again, looking at the fish in the pond.

He shrugs again and I sigh.

"Never mind, let's go back to class." I walk over to the door and open it. But he says something.

"Are you..."

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