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It was Colin.

Why is Colin here Why is Colin here

They must've heard me because they all turned around. 

My mother looked jubilant, while my father looked stern, but more gentle than usual. Colin, was well, Colin looking. My mother stopped smiling and waved me over.

"Come and eat, honey."

I slowly walked, staring at everyone. This family dinner felt weird. We've never actually used those plates or those cups before. And Colin was sitting where I always sat. My mother pointed at the empty chair while my father and Colin started talking.

I stared at my dinner as I slowly panicked.


When dinner was done, my father said, "Why don't you show Colin your room, honey?"  I frowned and glared at him but excused myself. I went into my room, not looking to see if Colin was following me. 

Then, before I entered, he was there. 


"Why are you here, Colin?" I asked, not looking at him.

"Because your parents invited me."


"Yeah, they seem to love me," said Colin, pretending to hair whip with his nonexistent long hair.

I glared even more and shut the door on him.

"Why do you have to ruin my relationship with Hugo? You're such a jerk." I said through the door.

In a muffled response, I heard him say, "I didn't ruin your relationship."

"That was all you."

"What is wrong with you?"

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