one | maizon

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I sat in the backseat of the black Range Rover staring outside of the window. I was on my way home from spending thousands of dollars on clothes that would just get lost in my massive collection of a fashion blogger's dream.

A girl can never have too many clothes.

My iPhone buzzed in my lap. My phone was blowing with texts from the group chat with the boys.

Jaxton: Court meeting. Grey's house in five.

Nate: Dude, I was in the middle of something?

Seb: Don't you mean in the middle of some girl's legs? Nice try, bud.

Easton: I'll be there.

Sent: Why at my house? I hate all of you people.

I locked my iPhone and put it inside of my Marc Jacobs purse. My long, manicured nails tapped lightly on the label.

I adjusted my position so I could peek at my nude Vuitton heels. Well taken care of, definitely.

At the age of only eighteen, what I wore often cost more than the average person's yearly salary.

"Your Royal Highness," the driver had already pulled up to my mansion and opened the door. Another one of my father's supervisors were already carrying my bags inside to take up to my room.

I slid out and thanked him quietly before taking the stone path up to the front door.

With no need for keys, I pushed it open and tossed my purse onto the nearest table in the foyer. My heels echoed on the wooden floor and I could already hear the boys' ruckus further into the house.

I had nose stuck into my phone when I arrived in the living room where I thought four boys were sitting and throwing M&M's at each other.

"Grecyn, pay attention," Jaxton called. I groaned and looked up at the prince of twenty and curly brown hair.

"You should give me back the key to my house. You keep popping up unnecessarily. This entire meeting is probably bullshit," I noted and returned my focus to my phone.

I heard Nate agree with me for once and receiving a painless blow to his arm from Sebastian.

"A princess does not curse!"Miss Grace yelled from down the hall.

"I love how no one has noticed that you're here," Jaxton mumbled. And then that's when I really tore my focus from my phone. I even put it in my back pocket.

I had failed to notice the platinum blond haired boy sitting right next to him. His blue eyes were bright in color but dull in life. He was fairly attractive in the face, but the rest of his body looked like he had climbed out of the trash.

I'm pretty sure accidentally ripped jeans aren't a trend.

"Guys, this is Maizon. I've made the executive decision to add him to the court."

Sebastian's jaw fell open at the news. Nate wasn't even paying attention and just nodded along. Easton shook the boy's hand and welcomed him.

Guess you know who's the nice one.

"Jaxton, darling. I know that it's almost time for you to take over your father's throne, but when it comes to my court, I'm in charge. I make all final decisions," I snapped. Who does Jaxton think he is? He can't just add a new member.

"Grey, can I speak with you privately?" I dared to say no but Jaxton dragged me from the living room and into the hallway.

"Grecyn, this boy needs us. His family is living through a rough patch regarding financial issues and not only could he use a place to stay, but he could use some friends too. Stop acting like a spoiled princess because we all know that you're really a softy on the inside. Besides, I could tell the way you were looking at him that you found him attractive."

"He looks like Jack Frost in the summer."

"That's not the point. He'll stay at my apartment since I have an extra room. Do you think you could go with us when we return to Havonia?" He pleaded with me. Jaxton pulled a puppy dog face and I lost it when his eyes began to water.

"Fine! And I'll notify the committee we'll be bringing an extra head back home. Until we leave I'll find a way to get him into Harley," I groaned and rolled my eyes. As easy as enrolling someone in a school sounded, our private school was laborious to enter.

When Jaxton and I had returned to the living room everything went quiet. This "Maizon" boy looked hopeful that I would agree, and Sebastian and Nate hoped I wouldn't.

Too bad, I never agree with Nate.

"You," I motioned to the light haired boy. He gave me his attention and straightened his shoulders.

"You'll meet me here tomorrow at three to go shopping and then we'll discuss your future attendance at Harley and Havonian court. The boys will take you to the gym with them to bond and let you in on the 411,"

"He's not going to like manner-"

"I don't give a shit, just do it. And get out of my house," I puffed and left them in the living room to disperse.

I stomped upstairs and slammed my room door shut. The second after I plopped myself on my king sized bed there was a knock on my door.

"Jaxton, I don't ca–"

"It's Maizon," I mentally wished my door would open on its own and slid off my bed.

"Yes, you. Anything I can help you with?" I smiled. He looked nervous when he glanced between me and the floor.

"I just wanted to say, uh, thank you for, um, everything. And I'll see you, er, tomorrow," He stumbled over his words as his mind couldn't catch up with his mouth.

"Are you okay?" I asked, smirking. His nervousness made him quite adorable.

"Yeah, you're just really prett–nice, pretty nice," Maizon blushed and waved me off as he headed back downstairs.

"Don't let Jaxton hear you said that, he'll kill you!" I yelled and laughed.

"What'd you say? Maizon don't ignore me, come back!" Jaxton chased Maizon outside and closed the front door.

I laughed to myself about Maizon, then realized he was quite the cutie. Tomorrow would be fun.

Let's clean up the peasant.

zendaya coleman as princess grecyn belle beauregard.

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